OpenACS XoWiki

(Please click on the hexagons for more information)

XoWiki is a full-blown Wiki with MediaWiki syntax as an add-on to ]project-open[.  It allows to complement structured information about projects, companies and other ]po[ objects with free-text and multimedia objects. One ]po[ system may have more than one XoWiki, and every XoWikis can have a different configuration and different access permissions. For example, you can setup a public "Marketing Wiki" and a second "Employee Wiki" for internal purposes only.

Text Formatting

Xinha HTML Editor Formatting

XoWiki includes the Xinha  HTML editor, which allows you copy-paste HTML directly into a XoWiki page and relieves you from learning the text formatting details of MediaWiki. Xinha formatting supports:

  • Heading levels 1-6,
  • Bold, italic, underlined, strike-through, subscript and superscript text,
  • Fonts, font sizes, font color and font background color,
  • Left justified, right justified, centered or block paragraph alignment,
  • Bullet lists and numerate lists of multiple levels,
  • HTML style Web links and images and
  • Tables with detailed table formatting.

All of these functionality are available using a button bar similar to standard desktop style word processors.

XoWiki Intra-Wiki Links

In addition to the Xinha HTML editor which allows for <a href="...">...</a> links, XoWiki supports MediaWiki style links to other Wiki pages:

  • [pageReference]
  • [link label]
  • [link label]

Where "pageReference" is either the name of a XoWiki page or an external link starting with http://.

Options for links include:

  • -title - the title of the link (-title "Title") and
  • -target - the link target (-target "_blank")


There are two ways to integrate images into XoWiki:

  • Copy-paste for small images:
    Small images can be copied directly into Xinha.
    Xinha converts the image into blob and stores them in the database.

  • Image Links for larger images:
    Larger images need to be manually loaded into the XoWiki. As a first step you create an image like like this:
    After saving the page, you you click on the missing image link generated by the "image:..." tag. This link leads you to a page that allows you to upload a file into XoWiki.

Links to Other File Types

You can link PDF and other files in the same way as images:

  • [A large PDF file]

 For details about additional file types and options please see the XoWiki  Documentation .


A number of configuration parameters affect the behavior of the XoWiki:

  • /intranet/admin/parameters -> acs-kernel -> AllowedTag:
    Set to "*" (without the double quotes) in order to allow all tags IF you are in a safe Intranet environment. In a public Wiki editors could perform XSS attacks using the <script> tag, so you need to restrict the allowed tags to B, I, A, BR and a few more (this is the default).
  • /intranet/admin/parameters -> acs-kernel -> AllowedAttribute:
    Similar to AllowedTag above. The default setting should be conservative an secure. Add "*" if you want to copy-paste HTML code from Web sites directly into the Xinha editor.
  • /xowiki/ -> Admin -> Permissions:
    This page allows you to set read, write and admin permissions per user group for the chosen Wiki.


Integrated  WYSIWYG HTML editor

The image below shows a sample page in the XoWiki Xinha HTML editor with text formatting.

xowiki edit mode 

Revision Management



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  Project Open Business Solutions S.L.

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