]po[ Risk

The "risk" object type represents project risks as part of the risk management process implemented by the risk management package.

Portlet Risk Management 


Risk Fields

                Table "public.im_risks"
          Column          |     Type      |  Modifiers
 risk_id                  | integer       | not null
 risk_project_id          | integer       | not null
 risk_status_id           | integer       | not null
 risk_type_id             | integer       | not null
 risk_name                | text          | not null
 risk_probability_percent | numeric(12,1) | default 0.0
 risk_impact              | numeric(12,1) | default 0.0
 risk_description         | text          |

Risks support DynFields (adding new column dynamically at run-time). So ]project-open[ just implements a minimum set of required fields. Additional fields can be added by the user.

  • ID - A unique object ID
  • Project - The project to which the risk is related
  • Type - Allows you to create multiple types of risks with different DynFields.
  • Status - Active, inactive or deleted...
  • Name - A catchy title for the risk
  • Description - A human readable description of the risk
  • Probability - 0 .. 100  



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