]po[ Parameters

This page lists all available parameters in ]project-open[, together with comments about the use of the parameters.

You can modify the parameters in your ]project-open[ installation in Admin -> Parameters. The Parameter Admin Page allows you to modify the values of parameters.

acs-api-browser - API Browser

  • FancySourceFormattingP:
    Should we highlight syntax and hyperlink procedure names when showing procedure source code? (1 for yes, 0 for no)

acs-authentication - Authentication

  • RegisterAuthority:
    The short name of the authority in which users are registered. Is best set in the Authentication admin UI.
  • KeepBatchLogDays:
    The number of days to keep the log for a batch user synchronization job around. Say 0 if you want to keep the log forever.
  • SyncAddUsersToDotLrnP:
    Should we add users to .LRN? This requires .LRN to be installed, and has serious performance implications.
  • SyncDotLrnReadPrivateDataP:
    .LRN user is guest (if .LRN is installed). 1 = Not a guest , 0 = Guest
  • AcknowledgementFileName:
    Full file path to where we should drop the acknowledgement file for batch syncs. You can use these special values: {acs_root_dir} will get replaced with the root directory for this OpenACS installation, e.g. '/var/lib/aolserver/service0' (no trailing slash). {ansi_date} will get replaced with today's date in ANSI format, e.g. '2003-10-29'. {authority} will get replaced with the short_name of the authority, e.g. 'rz_pam'.
  • SyncEmailConfirmationP:
    Send out email confirmation when batch sync is complete. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
  • SyncDotLrnUserType:
    .LRN user type for new user (if .LRN is installed)
  • AllowSelfRegister:
    Does the user can self register? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
  • SyncDotLrnAccessLevel:
    .LRN access level (if .LRN is installed). 1 = Full access user, 0 = Limited access user

acs-automated-testing - Automated Testing

  • XMLReportDir:
    The full path to the directory where the xml report of system tests are stored. This is also the directory where the install and test xml reports of other servers should be stored if this server is to function as a master test server.
  • SeleniumRcServer:
    Hostname of the Selenium RC Server. If this is blank the Selenium RC tests will not be run.
  • SeleniumRcBrowsers:
    Browsers to test with. Default *firefox
  • SeleniumRcPort:
    Port the Selenium RC server is listening on. Default 4444.
  • enabled_p:
    Source scripts flag
  • IsInstallReportServer:
    Setting this parameter to true means this server should present a web interface at /test with the install and test results of other OpenACS servers. If you set this parameter to true you also need to set the XMLReportDir parameter.

acs-bootstrap-installer - Bootstrap Installer

  • post_installation_message:
    If not blank, overrides the default post-installation message

acs-content-repository - Content Repository

  • ImageMagickConvertBinary:
    Binary to use with the image:: procs in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/image-procs.tcl
  • FileLocationRelativeP:
    Defaults to 1 which means the FileLocation parameter is relative to the web servers root folder. If set to 0, the FileLocation parameter is an absolute path and so can contain a drive letter for example. Important note: if you change this parameter to 0, remember the system will attempt to retrieve existing files from the new location. You will also need to bounce the server after changing this or the FileLocation value.
  • CRFileLocationRoot:
    The directory to which files are published and from where they are retrieved when a files is served. It is taken to be relative to [acs_root_dir] unless FileLocationRelativeP is set to 1
  • TemplateRoot:
    The directory to which templates are published and from where they are retrieved when a page is served. If the value does not start with a '/', it is taken to be relative to [acs_root_dir]. Packages that use the content-repository can override this setting by defining their own TemplateRoot parameter.

acs-developer-support - Developer Support

  • PageFragmentCacheP:
    Should page fragments generated be cached for searching and validation. This is potentially very expensive and should be used with caution given it's performance implications.
  • DataLifetime:
    Number of seconds to keep connection data
  • PackageWatchList:
    A space separated list of keys for packages that you are developing on and that will have full watches (automatic reloading of tcl libraries and xql files) activated on every server startup.
  • ShowCommentsInlineP:
    Controls whether comments are shown inline in the ds_link.
  • UserSwitchingEnabledP:
    Will present a widget on every page that allows you to switch user
  • EnabledIPs:
    remember information for which client hosts?
  • DataSweepInterval:
    Number of seconds between sweeping for old data
  • AdpRevealEnabledP:
    Should a frame be put around each ADP file in the page, with an identifying title and hyperlink to api-doc.
  • ProfileEnabledP:
    Remember timing informaton of included templates?
  • EnabledOnStartupP:
    Remember information about connections, for developers' benefit?
  • DatabaseEnabledP:
    Remember information about every database request?

acs-events - Events

  • EventFutureLimit:
    Maximum number of years to populate the database for recurring events.

acs-kernel - Kernel

  • DBCacheSize:
    The size of the database API cache
  • AllowPersistentLoginP:
    do we allow persistent logins?
  • AdminOwner:
    who signs the admin pages, e.g., a programmer who can fix/enhance them
  • CommunityMemberAdminURL:
    the URL of the admin community member page
  • ClusterPeerIP:
    A space separated list of servers in the cluster. This server's IP may be included too.
  • ClusterEnabledP:
    is clustering enabled?
  • ClusterAuthorizedIP:
    A space separated list of which machines can issues requests (e.g., flushing) to the cluster. Can use glob matching notation (10.0.0.*)
  • CanonicalServer:
    In the list of IPs above, which is the canonical (primary) server? If a port is not listed, we assume port 80.
  • BugTrackerInstance:
    Use this parameter to indicate the instance of the bug tracker where the errors will be automatically submited. You must use a relative url indicating where is mounted the instance of the bug tracker. For instance, if you have your bug tracker instance mounted under "/bug", this parameter must be "/bug". Leave this parameter in blank if you do not want to use it.
  • ApprovalExpirationDays:
    The number of days after which registration approval expires, which will cause the user to change state to 'needs_approval'. Set to 0 to disable expiration of approval.
  • AllowedTag:
    A space separated list of all the HTML tags that people may use. Add a * to always allow all tags.
  • AllowedProtocol:
    A space separated list of protocols that are valid attributes of HTML tags in submitted content. Add a * to always all all protocols.
  • SessionSweepInterval:
    how often should we sweep for old stale sessions?
  • DebugP:
    save debugging information for developer support?
  • PerformanceModeP:
    Setting this to 1 will tell the request processor to make the assumption that once a url is mapped to a file, that mapping never changes. This obviously would cause problems on a development system, but will improve performance on a production server.
  • DefaultPersistentLoginP:
    On the login screen, should the default be to login the user permanently (1) or not (0).
  • CommunityMemberURL:
    the URL of the public community member page
  • PasswordExpirationDays:
    How long can a password be used before it expires and must be changed. Specify 0 to disable password expiration.
  • AllowedAttribute:
    A space separated list of allowed attribute names, e.g. title, src, etc.. You probably want to avoid onMouseOver and the like. Add a * to always allow all attributes.
  • UsePasswordWidgetForUsername:
    Should we hide what the user types in the username field, the way we do with the password field? Set this to 1 if you are using sensitive information such as social security number for username.
  • UseEmailForLoginP:
    Say 1 if we should login with email instead of username.
  • UseCustomQuestionForPasswordReset:
    Does the user get to choose their custom password question and answer
  • UseBackgroundDeliveryP:
    Use background delivery for file downloads
  • SystemURL:
    URL to tell users to go to
  • SystemOwner:
    who signs the average user-visible pages
  • SystemName:
    the name of your system
  • SystemCommandPaths:
    Directories that contain system commands, such as tar, wget, and gunzip
  • CookieDomain:
    Domain to pass to ad_set_cookie. Set this if you want to access multiple hostnames under the same domain.
  • SessionTimeout:
    for how long can a be session inactive before it times out? (in seconds)
  • SessionRenew:
    How much time do we let elapse before renewing a session cookie? This should be less than SessionTimeout.
  • SessionLifetime:
    how long after the last hit should we save information in the SessionLifetime table?
  • ServeXQLFiles:
    Should we serve .xql files (database query files) to browsers? Say 0 to not serve them, 1 to serve them. Typically you do not want to serve these files. Requires a server restart to take effect.
  • SendErrorEmailP:
    Whether to send an email to the site owner describing details whenever an error ocurrs, or not. A value of 0 in this parameter indicates that no emails are goint to be send, in the other hand, a value of 1 indicates that an email is going to be send when error ocurrs.
  • ScreenName:
    Can be 'none', 'solicit', or 'require'. If you say none, we will not ask users to provide a screen_name. If you say 'solicit', we will ask for one, but not require it. If you say 'require', we will not let users register or login without setting up a screen_name.
  • RestrictLoginToSSLP:
    Should login, register, and password update pages be restricted to HTTPS?
  • RestrictErrorsToAdminsP:
    Whether we show errors to adminstrators only
  • RequireQuestionForPasswordResetP:
    (Unsupported) Do we require a question/answer pair to reset a users password?
  • RegisterRestrictToSSLFilters:
    Whether to process the RestrictToSSL paths per site node on startup which can be quite slow on a site with many nodes.
  • RegisterRestrictEntireServerToRegisteredUsersFilters:
    Register filters at startup that will allow each subsite to be restricted to registered users.
  • PublisherName:
    for legal pages, full corporate entity
  • PrivacyControlEnabledP:
    Whether we control privacy. One example of a package that uses this is forums. It doesn't show any forum posting content unless this is set to 1.
  • PermissionCacheTimeout:
    Number of seconds until the permissions cache times out.
  • PermissionCacheP:
    Whether to cache permission_p calls. Use with extreme caution. Only direct permissions managed via the tcl api are properly handled and some packages modify permissions directly in the database and will not work properly when this is turned on. You must restart the server after changing this param.
  • OutgoingSender:
    The email address that will sign outgoing alerts.
  • MaxSize:
    The size of the util_memoize cache
  • LoginTimeout:
    The maximum number of seconds to let users stay logged in without requiring them to refresh their password. 0 for infinite. Requires a restart of the server to take effect.
  • LoginPageExpirationTime:
    The expiration time in seconds for the login page. This is needed to protect against browser cached passwords.
  • LogDebugP:
    log request-processor debug messages to the error log? very verbose.
  • InfoFilePermissionsMode:
    The default UNIX permissions to assign to the .info file when it is created.
  • IndexRedirectUrl:
    If non-blank, serve the given template rather than the default index template. Example: /dotlrn/index
  • HttpCacheControlP:
    Wether we output http headers on every request for dynamic pages that prevent browsers and proxies from caching the page.
  • HostAdministrator:
    a person whom people can email with technical problems
  • HomeURL:
    the URL of the workspace link
  • HomeName:
    the name of the workspace link
  • ForceHostP:
    if a user provides a Host header which isn't this, redirect the user to this particular host. e.g., if yourservername.com and www.yourservername.com point to the same IP, set this to 1 so cookies will be properly set.
  • ExtensionPrecedence:
    precedence for file extensions, e.g., 'tcl,adp,html' means 'serve a .tcl file if available, else an .adp file if available, else an .html file if available, else the first file available in alphabetical order. Comma-separated.
  • ExcludedFiles:
    string match patterns for files which the request processor should never serve
  • EnableLoggingP:
    log clustering events?
  • EmailAccountOwnerOnPasswordChangeP:
    Say 1 if you want us to send an email to the account owner when changing password for local accounts.

acs-lang - Localization

  • UsePackageLevelLocalesP:
    Specify whether you want to allow different system/user locales per package, or only one site-wide locale system setting/user preference.
  • SystemTimezone:
    The timezone that Oracle is set to use. Use a name from the acs-reference package, e.g., America/Los_Angeles or Asia/Tokyo
  • KeepLocalTranslations:
    General behaviour is that with loading an .xml catalog file the content of the file has precedance over the DB, causing entries to be modified or deleted, which have been changed since the last import.Setting this parameter will not overwrite any changed param in the DB nor delete entries not present in the file.
  • SiteWideLocale:
    The site-wide default locale

acs-mail-lite - Mail Services Lite

  • MaxDaysToBounce:
    Number of days after mail sending a bounce is expected at the very latest
  • SMTPUser:
    SMTP User to be used for sending emails
  • SMTPTimeout:
    SMTP Timeout. Waiting time until we give up with the mailserver.
  • BounceDomain:
    Email Domain for outgoing messages
  • BounceMailDir:
    Location of the maildir location that accepts incoming bounces
  • BounceScanQueue:
    How often (in seconds) to scan for new bounces
  • EmailAllow:
    Tcl list of email addresses that are allowed to receive messages when delivery mode is set to filter
  • EmailDeliveryMode:
    Set how message will be delivered. default: Email messages are sent in the usual manner. log: Email messages are written to the server's error log. redirect: Email messages are redirected to the addresses specified by the EmailRedirectTo parameter. If this list is absent or empty, email messages are written to the server's error log. filter: Email messages are sent to in the usual manner if the recipient appears in the EmailAllow parameter, otherwise they are logged.
  • EmailRedirectTo:
    Tcl list of email addresses to redirect to
  • EnvelopePrefix:
    The prefix for sending mail that will be handled by this instance
  • FixedFont:
    Font definition (after the font tag) that will always be wrapped around HTML e-mail. Example: face=Verdana size=2. Default is empty
  • FixedSenderEmail:
    Email addres that will be always the email stored in the sender. Default is empty
  • FolderID:
    Folder ID of a folder in the content repository that contains files that can be included using checkboxes in each e-mail send out of the system. This effects /lib/email
  • MaxBounceCount:
    Number of bounced emails after resulting in disabling an email-address
  • MaxNotificationCount:
    Number of times the user will get a notification that his email got disabled in the system
  • NotificationInterval:
    Number of days the users with bouncing email will be notified again on how to reenable the email again
  • NotificationSender:
    Sender of the notification email
  • SMTPHost:
    SMTP Host to be used for sending emails
  • SMTPPassword:
    SMTP Password to be used for sending emails
  • send_immediately:
    Boolean value to say whether new mails should be send out immediately or stored in the db before send out.
  • SMTPPort:
    SMTP Port to be used for sending emails
  • MMEncodeBin:
    Location of mmencode executable.

acs-subsite - Main Site

  • EmailForgottenPasswordP:
    Email users forgotten passwords
  • application:
    Name of the ETP application to use (default, faq, wiki, or create your own with the etp::define_applicaton procedure)
  • UserNewTemplate:
    Name of the template used for creation of a new user
  • UserInfoTemplate:
    Name of the template used for description of a user
  • UserHomeTemplate:
    Name of the template used for the user home page
  • TmpDir:
    What tmp directories are used on this system? Note the leading / character.
  • SomeAmericanReadersP:
    is it even worth bothering asking for state and zip code?
  • SolicitPortraitP:
    Set this to 1 if you want users to be asked to submit a portrait.
  • ShowMembersListTo:
    Who can see the subsite members list. 0 = Everyone; 1 = Members; 2 = Only administrators.
  • ContextBarSeparator:
    Default character to use as separator in context bar
  • ShowContextBarP:
    Should context bars appear on pages?
  • ScreenNameP:
    Set this to 1 if you want to show screen names instead of real names.
  • RestrictToSSL:
    URLs we want restricted to SSL. Note that this only takes effect if you have an SSL listener configured on your AOLserver and kernel parameter RegisterRestrictToSSLFilters is set to 1 (its default).
  • RestrictEntireServerToRegisteredUsersP:
    Do we want to allow only registered users to visit this subsite? (restart required)
  • RegistrationRequiresEmailVerificationP:
    set this to 1 if the user has to receive and email and come back to the site
  • RegistrationRequiresApprovalP:
    set this to 1 if user does not go live immediately
  • RegistrationRedirectUrl:
    A URL to redirect to instead of showing the normal registration page. Useful if you want to replace the registration page with a custom page.
  • RegistrationProvidesRandomPasswordP:
    have the system generate a random password instead of the user
  • RegistrationImplName:
    Name of the implementation used for the registration process. If value is null, the normal registration process will be used and the RegisterId parameter will be ignored.
  • RegistrationId:
    Assessment_id for the assessment used in the registration process. If value = 0 the current registration form will be used.
  • RegImplNamet:
    Name of the implementation used in the registration process.
  • NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP:
    Notify someone of new registrations?
  • NewRegistrationEmailAddress:
    Where should we send email about new registrations (defaults to SystemOwner)
  • MembersCanInviteMembersP:
    Set this to 1 if you want to allow members to invite other members.
  • MaxPortraitBytes:
    Maximum portrait size in bytes. Leave empty for no limitation.
  • LoginTemplate:
    Name of the template used for login
  • LastVisitUpdateInterval:
    how many seconds old a last visit cookie must be before we update it
  • IndexRedirectUrl:
    A URL to redirect to instead of showing the subsite index page. Useful if you want to replace the index page with a page generated by portals, by edit-this-page, or to one of the applications installed at the subsite.
  • AcceptablePortraitMIMETypes:
    Enter a set of acceptable MIME types for portrait submissions.
  • IndexInternalRedirectUrl:
    If non-blank and IndexRedirectUrl is blank, serve the given template rather than the default index template, but with an rp_internal_redirect. Value is relative to serverroot. Example: /packages/dotlrn/index
  • GlobalURLStub:
    Where is the global directory for such things as file-not-found error messages
  • EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP:
    send confirmation email to user after registration. If value = 0 the email is still sent if registration is set to provide random passwords. Set to -1 to not send the email at all.
  • AllowPersistentLoginP:
    do we allow persistent logins?
  • AdminNavbarTabsList:
    Navigation tabs to show administrators
  • EmailConfirmTemplate:
    Template to use for the page the user comes to for verification of the email. Can be used to trigger additional events.
  • EmailChangedPasswordP:
    if the admin changes the password, should it be mailed to the user
  • PrivateEmailLevelP:
    Defines the level of privacy of the users email. The levels are: 4 - Show user email. 3 - Show user email as an image (require ImageMagick). If ImageMagick not present then the @ symbol is replaced with an image. 2 - Hide email, show a link that allows users to send a message. 1 - Shows nothing.
  • DefaultMaster:
    Path to the default master page (skin) for acs-templating. Set by the admin theme-switching UI.
  • AsmForRegisterId:
    Assessment used in the registration process.
  • DefaultFormStyle:
    The default form template to use if a particular form doesn't have something more specific defined already.
  • DefaultListStyle:
    The default list template to use if a particular list does not explicitly specify the list style to use.
  • DefaultListFilterStyle:
    The default list filter template to use if a particular listfilter tag does not explicitly specify the list filter style to use.
  • ThemeKey:
    Key of the acs-templating theme for this subsite. Set by the admin theme-switching UI.
  • ThemeCSS:
    A list of lists of CSS/media pairs to use with this theme. Set by the admin theme-switching UI. If non defined, the default list and form CSS files are used, and the subsite master is expected to provide any CSS it needs itself.
  • MembersViewNavbarTabsList:
    Navigation tabs to show to those allowed to see subsite members
  • UserNavbarTabsList:
    Navigation tabs to show to users
  • NoTabApplicationList:
    Don't show tabs for applications with the listed package keys.
  • ShowApplications:
    Show individual tabs for mounted applications within this subsite
  • subtopic_application:
    Name of the ETP application to use when creating a subtopic

acs-tcl - Tcl Library

  • HtmlDocBin:
    path to the executable of htmldoc
  • SuppressHttpPort:
    Set to 1 to suppress the server's configured port --useful for example, when server is behind a proxy and: connection is switching from https to http or kernel's parameter ForceHostP is set to 1.
  • ReturnComplaint:
    Template to use for the complaint page.
  • UseHostnameDomainforReg:
    Set to 1 if website uses domains mapped in host_nodes for public users and the hostname's domain as defined in config.tcl for registering users and their sessions.
  • ReturnError:
    Template to use for the complaint page.

acs-templating - Templating

  • ShowCompiledTemplatesP:
    Show thecompiled template (for debugging) at .cmp URL
  • SpellcheckUseDictsP:
    If set to 1 (i.e. true) the dictionaries returned by aspell will be displayed in the spell check drop down.
  • RichTextEditor:
    Use the specified javascript text editor when UseHtmlAreaForRichtextP is activated. Valid arguments are "xinha" and "tinymce".
  • TinyMCEDefaultConfig:
    This is a tcl list of default tinymce config options as found in http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Configuration
  • SpellcheckDialectsP:
    Do you care about dialects or not? If this is set to '1' all available dictionary dialects for all available languages will appear as choices in the pull-down menu. If the param is set to '0', only the base-language(s) will be shown. However, it only works with aspell - on ispell you'll simply get a 'yes' and 'no' option, no matter how this param is set, where 'yes' will use ispell's default dictionary. NOTE! You'll need to restart the server for this param to take effect.
  • DefaultListFilterStyle:
    The default list filter template to use if a particular listfilter tag does not explicitly specify the list filter style to use. Relative to [acs_root_dir]/packages/acs-templating/resources/lists. If it starts with '/' then it is relative to [acs_root_dir]
  • XinhaDefaultPlugins:
    When xinha is specified as richtext editor (see parameter RichTextEditor) then use the following xinha plugins per default.
  • DefaultListStyle:
    The default list template to use if a particular list does not explicitly specify the list style to use. Relative to [acs_root_dir]/packages/acs-templating/resources/lists. If it starts with '/' then it is relative to [acs_root_dir]
  • DefaultFormStyle:
    The default form template to use if a particular form does not explicitly specify the form style to use. Relative to [acs_root_dir]/packages/acs-templating/resources/forms. If it starts with '/' then it is relative to [acs_root_dir]
  • ShowDataDictionariesP:
    Offer data dictionaries on .dat/.fmt URL.
  • UseHtmlAreaForRichtextP:
    Should the richtext widget use the htmlArea widget for richtext editing. 1 = yes, 0 = no. We will also check the browser's User-Agent header to find out if htmlArea works with the given browser.
  • SpellcheckFormWidgets:
    The widgets that you specify here will be spellcheck enabled in all forms (that use ad_form / form builder). Adding a 'nospell' flag to a form element overrides this parameter and disables spellchecking of that element. The format of this parameter is such: 'widget 1 widget 0 ...', where 'widget' stands for one of the form widgets that are possible to spellcheck enable: text, textarea, richtext. '1' after 'widget' indicates that the default should be to spellcheck; '0' means the user has to manually state that spellchecking should be performed on the form element. In order to enable spellchecking via this parameter either the aspell or ispell binary (or both, in which case aspell takes precedence) must be installed on the server. The path to the binary is auto-detected on server startup. If the parameter is left blank, spellchecking will be disabled altogether.
  • RefreshCache:
    When to re-translate templates. Values: never, as needed, always.

acs-workflow - Workflow Service (Petri Nets)

  • guard_font_size:
    The size of the font to use for guards when displaying a process graph.
  • place_font_size:
    The size of the font to use for places when displaying a process graph.
  • guard_font_name:
    The name of the font to use for guards when displaying a process graph. This is the name of a .ttf file available to your GraphViz installation.
  • transition_font_size:
    The size of the font to use for transitions when displaying a process graph.
  • place_font_name:
    The name of the font to use for places when displaying a process graph. This is the name of a .ttf file available to your GraphViz installation.
  • transition_font_name:
    The name of the font to use for transitions when displaying a process graph. This is the name of a .ttf file available to your GraphViz installation.
  • tmp_path:
    Path to a directory where we can store temporary files. It needs to be writable by the user that the webserver is running as.
  • graphviz_dot_path:
    Full path and filename for the AT and T GraphViz dot binary. Leave this blank if you don't have GraphViz installed.

ajaxhelper - Ajax Helper

  • LoadJsfromYahoo:
    Set this parameter to 1 if you wish to load YUI javascript sources from yahoo's servers.
  • UseMinifiedJs:
    Set this parameter to 1 if you want ajaxhelper to load minified versions of the javascript sources whenever possible.

ams - Attribute Management System

  • DefaultISOCountryCode:
    Specify the default ISO Country Code(s) to be used for all address widgets. The first country that will show up is the first entry in this list. The countries specified here will be be at the top of the country list seperated from all other country codes. If left blank it will default to whatever country is alphabetically first in the language used. For a complete list of codes look at the countries table in the database.
  • DefaultAdressLayoutP:
    Especify the default template for input and display layout for the address. Set to 1 for { street, city, state, zip, country } or 0 for { street, zip, city, state, country }
  • MobileURL:
    If this is set, all mobile phone numbers will have an SMS button with a URL, so you could click on the number and send an SMS using the URL specified. The target of the URL should recieve the mobile_phone_number as a value and provide an interface to type a textmessage which will be send as SMS.
  • PhoneURL:
    If this is set, all phone numbers will be underlined with a URL, so you could click on the phone number and your Windows application starts a Phone Connection to the number you clicked on. Usually this is done using the phone protocol, so a save value is 'phone:$telecom_number'
  • HideISOCountryCode:
    Specify the country names to hide when displaying addresses. Specify they ISO Country Code(s) here as a space seperated list for all countries that apply. If all your workers mail letters from one country you will likely not want to or need to print that country's name on letters, envelopes, reports, etc.
  • ForceCountryCodeOneFormatting:
    If set to "1" AMS will force phone numbers to follow the country zone code 1 rules (US, Canada, etc.), all phone numbers will need to follow the 'three digit area code'-'three digits - 4 digits'x'Extension' format. All "international" numbers will need to have the format "011-'Country_Code'-'Area_Code'-'Subscriber_number'x'Extension' format. If set to "0" telecom numbers will not be seperated into these elements, and the whole number will be entered in the DB as the subscriber number just as input in the form.
  • DefaultStreetSize:
    Maximum number of characters the street address might have
  • DefaultStreetLines:
    Maximum number of lines of text the street address may have

attachments - Attachments

  • MaximumFileSize:
    maximum file size for upload
  • RelativeUrl:
    The relative url of this package when mounted under a client.

bug-tracker - Bug Tracker

  • TimeToLive:
    Use this parameter to specify the time (number of days) to live of the bugs. If a bug is not modified before the number of days specified by this parameter, it will be automatically closed. This will work only for the instance of the bug tracker specified by the BugTrackerInsance parameter in the acs-kernel package. Leave this parameter in 0 (zero) if you do not want to automatically close any bug.
  • AutoSubmitErrorsP:
  • ComponentPrettyName:
    Pretty name of a component/area/module, e.g. 'area'. Use the capitalization that you would use in the middle of a sentence.
  • ComponentPrettyPlural:
    Plural pretty name of a component/area/module, e.g. 'area'. Use the capitalization that you would use in the middle of a sentence.
  • PatchesP:
    Enable patch submissions for this project
  • TicketPrettyName:
    Pretty name of a ticket, e.g. 'ticket'. Use the capitalization that you would use in the middle of a sentence.
  • TicketPrettyPlural:
    Plural pretty name of a ticket , e.g. 'tickets'. Use the capitalization that you would use in the middle of a sentence.
  • TruncateDescriptionLength:
    At what length should bug descriptions be truncated on the bug list pgae.
  • VersionsP:
    Enable versions for this project

calendar - Calendar

  • DefaultView:
    The default list for this instance of calendar: one of day, list, week, month. Defaults to day.
  • ListView_DefaultPeriodDays:
    Period of time that is shown in the calendar by default [in days]. Can be changed by admin for each community. Defaults to 30.
  • Attachments:
    Allow Files to be Uploaded

cms - Content Management System

  • PublishRoots:
    The directories to which content is published as a space separated list. Relative paths are relative to parameter PageRoot.
  • PageRoot:
    All items will be published to the filesystem with their URLs relative to this root. Relative paths are relative to [ns_info pageroot].
  • ClipboardFloatsP:
    Determine whether the clipboard should be in its own floating window.
  • TemplateRoot:
    The directory to which templates are published. See the TemplateRoot parameter in the acs-content-repository.
  • StatusSweepInterval:
    The interval, in seconds, between the sweeps of all items. Sweeping discovers items whose publication status (live/ready/expired) has changed and takes appropriate action. Lower values increase the precision of the publishing/expiration dates but decrease performance. Changes to this parameter are effective only after a server restart.

diagram - Diagram

  • DefaultDiagramTemplate:

file-storage - File Storage

  • MoveByCopyDeleteP:
    Move files by copying and then deleting the original? Default is false, use normal move
  • DownloadTargetWindowName:
    Many modern Web browsers will attempt to open documents directly in the browser if they can. To disable this "plugin mode" behavior and cause downloads to open in a new window, set this value to "_blank" or any non-empty string. Setting this value to the empty string (default) will leave it to the browser program to decide.
  • BehaveLikeFilesystemP:
    Switch to use file-title for download instead of original filename
  • ArchiveExtension:
    The extension that the programmer should add to the output file. This depends on the value of ArchiveCommand
  • ShowAdministerPermissionsLinkP:
    Whether or not to show a link to administer permissions on the file storage object.
  • GeneralCommentsP:
    Allow comments to be attached to a file.
  • ArchiveCommand:
    Program (and program options) to use for archiving file storage objects. Use the special tags {in_file} and {out_file} (including the curly braces) to denote the locations of the input and output files on the command line.
  • StoreFilesInDatabaseP:
    Flag to determine the storage type. A flag of 1 (true) will store the files in the database. If 0 (false) files are stored in the filesystem. ***This parameter should only be changed at package instance creation.***
  • UnzipBinary:
    The path and name of the unzip binary to unpack zip files containing multiple files.
  • UseWebDavP:
    Flag to determine if WebDav is active. A flag of 1 (true) means WebDav is active and we will show WebDav links
  • ExposeRssP:
    Should we offer navigation to set up RSS feeds for folders?
  • CategoriesP:
    Allow categories to be attached to a file.
  • AllowTextEdit:
    Allow users to edit the content of text based files in their browser.
  • MaximumFileSize:
    The maximum size, in bytes, of files that users are allowed to upload. Should not be set larger than the systemwide AOLServer parameter maxinput.

general-comments - General Comments

  • AllowFileAttachmentsP:
    Sets whether files can be attached to comments. Values are 't' and 'f'.
  • AllowDisplayMyCommentsLinkP:
    If set to true (1 or t), shows a link to the user that allows them to filter the display of comments so it only includes the present user. (Currently only half implemented -- allows packages to add this link, but doesn't show it automatically).
  • AllowLinkAttachmentsP:
    Sets whether links can be attached to comments. Values are 't' and 'f'.
  • AutoApproveCommentsP:
    Sets whether comments go live immediately. Values are 't' and 'f'.
  • MaxFileSize:
    Maximum file size that can be uploaded in bytes. 0 for unlimited.
  • RecentOnTopP:
    If set to true (t or 1), then puts most recent comments on the top. Otherwise, most recent comments go on the bottom.

intranet-audit - ]project-open[ Audit

  • AuditObjectRelationshipsP:
    Should we audit the acs_rels between the audit object and other objects? Set this parameter to '1' in order to track user group memberships, project assignments etc. Set this parameter to '0' if you run into performance issues with audit.
  • AuditProjectFakeHistoryIntervalHours:
    Should the system fake the project's history im_projects_audit records? This is useful for demo servers. Set to '0' to disable this feature in production servers. Set to '1' or '2' with demo servers.
  • AuditProjectProgressIntervalHours:
    Should we write audit logs for projects? A value of '0' (default) will disable this feature. Any other value will make sure that audit logs are written for all projects in the system at least every N hours.

intranet-big-brother - ]project-open[ Big Brother Interface

  • BigBrotherPath:
    Path to the BigBrother summary report in order to extract the 'title' tag.
  • BigBrotherUrl:
    Url to reach Big Brother supervision tools

intranet-contacts - ]project-open[ Contacts

  • AcceptablePhotoUploadMIMETypes:
    CSV of acceptable MIME Types for Photo Upload
  • PortraitThumbnailSize:
    Max dimensions of portrait thumbnail
  • ContactPrivacyEnabledP:
    If '1' (True) then we allow a contact to be marked "No Mail", "No Email", and "No Phone". People can be marked deceased and organizations can be closed down (which automatically gives the contact all three privacy settings). This prevents mail merges for the type of contact specified but does not prevent the storage, searching, display or exporting of this contact information. It also puts notices on the contact's summary page and attribute edit page about their privacy wishes. If '0' (False) privacy is not controlled.
  • ContactSummaryViewTemplate:
    The contact summary view template to be used
  • AcceptableFileUploadMIMETypes:
    * for any. CSV of acceptable MIME Types for File Upload
  • ContactsMaster:
    The master template for this contacts instance. All pages except indiviual contacts page (as specified by ContactMaster)
  • ConverttoJpg:
    0 for no, 1 for yes. Flag to convert images to jpegs automatically
  • DefaultOrganizationAttributeExtension:
    List of names of the attributes that will extend a search for Organization separated by ";".
  • DefaultOrganizationID:
    Organization ID of the organization running this site
  • DefaultPageSize:
    The default page size for this contacts instance. Acceptable values are 0, 25, 50, 100 or 500. If set to 0 there will be no pagination which can be incredibly slow when you have more than a few hundred contacts.
  • DefaultPersonAttributeExtension:
    List of names of the attributes that will extended a search for a Person separated by ";".
  • DefaultPersonOrganAttributeExtension:
    List names of the attributes that will extend a search for a person or an organization separated by ";".
  • DefaultPortalLayout:
    The default portlet
  • DefaultPortletLayout:
    The src of the default portlet layout
  • DefaultTasks:
    A semi-colon (;) delimited list of message-keys representing standard tasks that should be displayed as a drop down on the task add screen (if tasks is installed on the system).
  • DefaultViewAttributes:
    The default attributes to view on the main contact page. This should be a list of attribute_name display_code to show for the attribute, the display code will only show up if the person/contact has a value for that attribute.
  • DeleteHistoryPermission:
    Default 'no'. Valid options are: 'no', 'yours' or 'all'. If set to 'yours' then you can only delete history that was created by you (i.e. the acs_objects tables created_user is your user_id). If set to 'all' you can delete any history item. This does not actually delete the object, its just hidden because an entry is made in the contact_deleted_history table. NOTE: people with admin rights on the package instance are automatically given 'all' permission.
  • DisableCSV:
    Default '0'. If set to '1' people will not be able to download a csv of the contacts attributes displayed on this contact instances front page.
  • DisplayEmployersP:
    1 for yes, 0 for no. Display organization name behind username?
  • EditDataAfterRel:
    Default blank. A space seperated list of rel_types for which to redirect a contact to the edit form. If a relationship is altered and the rel_type is in this list the user will be redirected to the attribute edit page for that contact. This is useful for things such as the 'contact_rels_employment', when a user changes employers they often change office phone numbers or email address, and the user should be reminded to update this information. If you specify '*' any rel_type change will redirect.
  • EmailAttachmentsAllowed:
    1 for yes, 0 for now. Are email attachments allowed when sending messages?
  • ForceSearchBeforeAdd:
    1 for yes, 0 for no. Should we force users to search all contacts before they are allowed to add a person or organization? This is not an actual software force but the "add person" and "add organization" buttons will only be displayed after a search on "all contacts."
  • History:
    The template src for history page
  • ImageMagickPath:
    Absolute path from computer root to directory containing ImageMagick executables
  • IncludeChildPackages:
    Default '0'. Set to '1' to include child contacts instances contacts in searches for this package.
  • Index:
    The template src for the index page
  • LetterPrintCSSFile:
    What css file should be used for printing letter messages, this should be relative to server root. Defaults to /resources/intranet-contacts/contacts-print.css
  • AddEditComplaint:
    The template for the display of the complaint form
  • LogEmailsP:
    Boolean that indicates if messages of type "email" are going to be logged or not on the contact_message_log
  • MailingAddressAttributeIdOrder:
    A list of attribute_ids for postal addresses in order of priority. In doing a letter mail merge the first attribute_id in this list that a contact has a value for will be used as the mailing address. If no attribute_ids are specified all postal_address attribute_ids will be used in alphabetical order.
  • Message:
    The template src for the message page
  • OOMailingPath:
    The directory that contains all files needed for a proper OO mailing. This is the document.odt, content.xml, styles.xml and the banner directory
  • RequireAdminForTemplatesP:
    Do we allow users to create templates in the system. If set to 1, only admins can create templates.
  • ChangePersonNameOrder:
    Changes the default name of a person displayed from "First_names Last_name" to "Last_name, First_names"
  • AllPeopleAreUsers:
    1 if true, 0 if false. If set to 1 all newly created people will be users. If set to 0 you will be asked whether or not a user account should be created.
  • PdfJoinBin:
    Absolute path from computer root to directory containing pdfjoin executables
  • PortraitSize:
    Max dimensions for portrait
  • OORemoteConverter:
    URL of the remote converter. If none is provided we will use the local converter
  • ThumbnailSize:
    Max dimension for thumbnail image
  • SpouseSyncedAttributes:
    A tcl list of a person or party object types attribute_names or attribute_ids that you want people in a spousal relationship to keep in sync. For example, if you change a wife's home_phone and home_address you might want it to automatically update the husband's record as well you could put in 'home_phone home_address', or you might possibly want last_names to stay in sync (depending on cultural context), etc.
  • SquareThumbnails:
    0 for no, 1 for yes. If yes we crop either the top or the bottom of the image to create square thumbnails and portraits
  • ViewOthersSearchesP:
    Are users allowed to view other users searches. '1' is yes, '0' is no. The default is '0'. On sites where some users are not allowed to view certain attributes or search condition types this should be '0', since viewing searches from other users may allow you to gain access to information they must not access. Site wide administrators are automatically given permission to view all users searches.
  • Complaint:
    The template src for complaint page.
  • UseSubsiteAsDefaultGroup:
    Default '1'. Should we use this contact's instances subsite's application group as the default group? If yes set to '1'. Using the subsites application group as the default group will automatically add all subsite users to this contacts instance. If set to '0' users will not automatically be added to contacts and this contacts instance's contacts will be self contained and not shared with the rest of the system. This should only be changed at install time.
  • ComplaintAE:
    The template source for complaint-ae.
  • Contact:
    The template src for contact.
  • ContactGroups:
    The template src of the for contact-groups
  • Changes:
    The template src for the changes portlet.

intranet-core - ]project-open[ Core

  • BackupBasePathUnix:
    Path for backup sets
  • CloneProjectFsFoldersP:
    Clone filestorage folders when cloning a project?
  • CloneProjectFsFilesP:
    Clone project's files inside the filestorage?
  • EnableUsersUsernameP:
    Should the user's edit page show the "Username" field? The field is necessary if users want to login via username (instead of email). Default is 0 (email-based authentication), in order to reduce complexity.
  • NewProjectRequiresCustomerP:
    Do we need a customer_id in order to determine the project_nr of a new project? Setting this parameter will force the page to select a customer first and then return to the projects/new.tcl page with a suitable customer_id.
  • NormalizeCompanyPathP:
    Limit the company_path to lower case alphanum characters?
  • NormalizeProjectNrP:
    Limit the project_nr to lower case alphanum characters?
  • NotifyNewMembersDefault:
    Should the 'Notify?' checkbox be enabled by default in the AddMembersComponent? Default is 1 for compatibility reasons
  • NumberResultsPerPage:
    How many lines do we want to show in an index page?
  • ProjectListPageDefaultSubprojectLevel:
    Allows to determine the level of subprojects to show if ProjectListPageDefaultSubprojectsP is set to "t". "1" means only main projects, "2" gives one level of subprojects etc.
  • ProjectNrAutoIncrementP:
    Should we automatically increment a project's Project Nr if we find that the specified number already exists? This option is useful in large companies with many PMs creating projects in parallel. Default is 0 to disable this feature.
  • ProjectNrDateFormat:
    Date format for project number prefix. Example is 'none' (the string 'none') for a number without date component, 'YYYY_' for a 4 digit year plus an underscore, 'YY' as a 2 digit year prefix or the string 'none' for no date prefix.
  • ProjectNrDigits:
    How many digits should the incrementing project_nr have? Default is four.
  • ProjectNumberFieldEditableP:
    Are user able to edit the project_nr field? The default is '1', which is useful for smaller companies. Larger companies may want to say 'no' here, in order to force users to stick to the project_nr scheme, and/or in order to import project numbers into an ERP system.
  • ProjectNumberFieldSize:
    How many characters can the project number have?
  • SecurityBreachEmail:
    'Security breaches' are special condition that should never occur, unless somebody seriously fiddles with system security. You can redirect this address to yourself or leave our email in there
  • ShowLeftFunctionalMenupP:
    Show the functional collapsible menu in the NavBar? This is useful for new users, but might be slow for habitual users.
  • ShowProjectNrAndProjectNameP:
    Should we show the project_nr together with the project_name in various pages and page titles? This is useful for companies heavily working with project_nrs such as some translation companies, but useless for GanttProject based schedules, where project_nrs are frequently generated automatically.
  • SubprojectStatusFilteringDefaultStatus:
    What is the default type for subproject filtering? Choose "" to show everything, or "76" for Open.
  • SubprojectStatusFilteringEnabledP:
    Should we show a filter widget in the SubProject component on the upper right-hand side of the ProjectViewPage to select the status for subprojects? This is useful if a company uses many subprojects per main projects, such as the case of "maintenance" projects.
  • SystemCSS:
    Global CSS
  • SystemLogo:
    This image is the system logo that appears in all ]po[ screens. For example '/logo.gif' shows the file /web/projop/www/logo.gif (C:/project-open/servers/projop/www in Windows). You can copy your own logo into the folder and modify the this parameter accordingly.
  • SystemLogoLink:
  • SystemNavbarGifPath:
    Where are the GIFs located for the navbar?
  • TarCmd:
    Command to execute the Unix "tar" command
  • TestDemoDevServer:
    TestDemoDevServer: 0=Production server (default), 1=PMO Demo Server, 2=Translation Demo Server
  • MaintenanceMessage:
    The system will display the maintenance message (if it is not empty) in a red bar on top of the screen for all users. For example: 'Maintenance Mode - Please do not enter any new data into the system. Any changes will be lost.'
  • ProjectNrMinimumLength:
    Minimum lenght for the project_nr field. Default value is '5'.
  • AuditProjectUpdatesP:
    Enable Auditing of project updates by a user? This options saves the user_id and the IP-address of a user changing a project.
  • CloneProjectCostsP:
    Clone project's financial items?
  • CloneProjectFilesP:
    Clone project files
  • CloneProjectForumTopicsP:
    Clone forum entries?
  • CloneProjectFsFiles:
    Clone project's files inside the filestorage?
  • CloneProjectFsFolders:
    Clone filestorage folders when cloning a project?
  • CloneProjectMembersP:
    Clone project members?
  • CloneProjectSubprojectsP:
    Clone subprojects?
  • CloneProjectTimesheetTasksP:
    Clone timesheet tasks?
  • CloneProjectTransTasksP:
    Clone project tasks?
  • EnableNestedProjectsP:
    Does the user need to have subprojects, or does this add too much complexity?
  • EnableCloneProjectLinkP:
    CloneProject allows your to create a duplicate of a project. This is useful in some circumstances, for example in the case of many repeating projects.
  • PgPathUnix:
    Unix path the the PostgreSQL binaries (used only for pg_dump at the moment). Default is an empty string in order to use the default PostgreSQL binaries in the path. A sample value could be '/usr/local/pgsql84/bin/' for a PG 8.4 installation on an otherwise 8.2 default system.
  • EnableProjectProgramPathP:
    Should the system use the project's program path as the base path? Enabling this option allows to group projects into a specific path. Default is '0' to disable this feature.
  • ProjectNameMinimumLength:
    Minimum lenght for the project_name field. Default value is '5'.
  • AuditProjectProgressIntervalHours:
    Should the system take a snapshot of each active main project every few hours? Such an audit snapshot allows displaying project lifecyle and earned value anlysis reports. Taking snapshots has certain performance implications, so consider carefully whether you need this feature. The default is '0' to disable this feature. Use '24' (1 day) to enable tight follow-ups. Use '182' (1 week) in order to save resources.
  • CustomProjectNrGenerator:
    Configure a customer specific generator for "project_nr", for example in order to generate project_nr including customer codes etc. The default value for this parameter is "". Any other value is interpreted as a procedure that takes the parameters: -customer_id, -nr_digits and -date_format and returns the new project_nr. Find an example here.
  • ErrorReportURL:
    Error Report URL
  • GzipCmd:
    Command to execute the Unix "gzip" command
  • HomeNewsComponentUrl:
    Location for the ]po[ Home News Component.
  • MainProjectSelectMaxdepth:
    What is the default level of project is "exclude_subprojects_p" is turned on? Default is 1, which equals that only "main projects" (first level) should be shown in many project-select boxes. Maxdepth=2 will show the 2nd level of projects everywhere. This is useful if the first level of projects are only containers for the actual projects on the 2nd level. Very ugly, but you guys know how customers are, don't you?
  • EnableAbsoluteProjectPathP:
    Should we allow the user to start a project_path with a '/'? In this case the project path is taken as an absolute path, based on the filesystem of the local machine. Please be aware that this can pose a security thread, you should add a constraint in the database to limit the path for example to the /mnt/* directory. Default is '0' to force local pathes only.
  • EnableNewFromTemplateLinkP:
    Enable a link in the ProjectListPage to create new project based on a template. This is very useful for types of project that frequently repeat.
  • EnablePerformanceLogging:
    Performance logging creates entries in the table im_performance_log for detailed system profiling. However, performance logging itself slows down the system a bit.
  • EnableProjectPathP:
    Should we show the project_path of every project? Showing the path will allow the user to actively determine where to place the project in the filestorage. Otherwise, the project's files will be stored in a /filestorage/company_path/project_nr/. Default is '0' to use the default project location
  • EnableExecutionProjectLinkP:
    An 'ExecutionProject' is a copy of a project, but with the 'internal' company as a customer. Such an execution project does not contain any reference to the original customer, for example allowing to pass the management of this project to a freelance project manager.
  • EnableUsersAuthorityP:
    Should we show a user's Authority and allow to edit the authority? This is useful when working with LDAP and other external authentication systems. The default is 0 in order to reduce complexity.
  • FindCmd:
    Command to execute the Unix "find" command
  • HomeProjectListSortClause:
    How to sort the projects on the Home page project list? Options include 'project_nr', 'project_nr DESC', 'project_name', 'project_name DESC', start_date, end_date and any other field if im_project, possibly followed by a 'DESC' to indicate reversed sort order. Please note that this field is becoming part of an SQL statement, so you can mess up the Home page if you give the wrong parameter here...
  • NameOrder:
    Order of first and last name when shown in conjunction.Default is "1" for . If set to "2" name will be shown as
  • ProjectListPageDefaultSubprojectsP:
    Show we show subprojects on the ProjectListPage? The default is "f", because only main projects should be seen normally. You can control the level of subprojects shown using the ProjectListPageDefaultSubprojectLevel parameter if this parameter is set to "t".
  • ProjectNrHierarchicalDigits:
    Should we enable hierarchical project numbers? Set to '0' to disable. A value of 2 for example means that a subproject will the the number of the parent plus an underscore and two extra digits. Example: If the parent has the number '2009_1234' then the first child will get '2009_1234_01'. Default is '2' for two digits. Set to '0' to disable hierarchial project numbers.
  • UtilCurrentLocationRedirect:
    Controls the behaviour of ]po[ when running behind a reverse HTTP proxy or with HTTPS. The default value is empty to enables the default redirection logic which will work in most cases. Please use this parameter if you encounter problems when using ]po[ together with Pound or a HTTPS connection. The parameter determines the base Url that ]po[ for 'redirection' operations (for example after the login process). Example: 'https://www.project-open.net'.

intranet-cost - ]project-open[ Cost Core

  • DefaultCurrency:
    Default currency used in various forms
  • DefaultTimesheetHourlyCost:
    Default internal cost per hour. This value is used to calculate the 'Timesheet Budget' value in the project's financial summary by multiplying with the Project Budget Hours value.
  • CostCacheSweeperMaxProjects:
    Check for a maximum of N projects every time the Sweeper is activated. Default is 50
  • DefaultStartDate:
    Default start_date for financial list pages. This is used to improve performance in systems used since many years. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • CostCacheSweeperInterval:
    Check every X seconds for the project's cost cache. Default is 60 (every 1 minutes)
  • DefaultEndDate:
    Default end_date for financial list pages. This is used to improve performance in systems used since many years. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD. The specified date is NOT included in the date range (setting DefaultEndDate to 2100-01-01 will show only financial items until 2099-12-31).
  • DefaultProviderBillPaymentDays:
    Default value for payment to providers
  • DefaultCompanyInvoicePaymentDays:
    Default value for payment days of Company Invoices

intranet-cost-center - ]project-open[ Profit Center Management

  • DefaultCurrency:
    Default currency used in various forms
  • DefaultProviderBillPaymentDays:
    Default value for payment to providers
  • DefaultCompanyInvoicePaymentDays:
    Default value for payment days of Company Invoices

intranet-dw-light - ]project-open[ Data Warehouse Light

  • CsvContentType:
    Specifies the "Content-Type" HTTP parameter sent to the web browser for CSV output. Acceptable values include 'application/csv' (default, works with most browser), 'application/vnd.ms-excel' (should(!) force to use Excel, but doesn't seem to work correctly with IE6/Excel) or 'text/plain' (to see the resulting text for debugging or to copy-paste the result to another application). Sorry for the mess, but the Excel localization is not our fault...
  • CsvHttpCharacterEncoding:
    Specifies the HTTP character encoding string sent to the Web browser. This parameter should go in parallel with the CsvTclCharacterEncoding parameter above. Acceptable values include 'iso-8859-1', 'utf8' or possibly 'iso-8859-2' etc. for Central and Eastern European versions of Excel. Please consult the official HTTP documentation for supported values. Sorry for the mess, but the Excel localization is not our fault...
  • CurrencyFormat:
    Currency format for Excel export - there are differences between European and US American versions of Excel, acception either a Komma or a Dot as decimal separator.
  • CsvTclCharacterEncoding:
    Specifies the target character encoding for the 'encoding convertto' command. Acceptable values include 'iso8859-1' (for older western European MS-Excel versions), 'utf8' (Unicode) or possibly 'iso8859-2' etc. for Central and Eastern European versions of Excel. Please use 'encoding names' TCL command for a complete list. Sorry for the mess, but the Excel localization is not our fault...

intranet-dynfield - ]project-open[ Dynamic Field Extension

  • absolute_template:
    This is the default adp file we use to render form templates that use absolute positioning. Do not add the .adp extension to the filename
  • object_types:
    Comma seperated list of object types that are dynfieldified.
  • GenericSQLWidgetMemoizeMaxAgeDefault:
    Default cache timeout for generic_sql widgets. Can be overwritten by individual widgets using the parameter 'memoize_max_age'
  • relative_template:
    This is the default file we use to render form templates that use relative template. This file has to work like the grid tag in the templating system. Do not add the .adp extension to the filename
  • adp_file:
    This is the default file to show in the define my own adp file screen in the intranet-dynfield layoutmanager. Do not add the .adp extension to the filename
  • form_style:
    This is the default file we use to render form templates that do not use layout manager. Do not add the .adp extension to the filename.

intranet-exchange-rate - ]project-open[ Exchange-Rates

  • ExchangeRateUrlXRates:
    URL for exchange rates XML file
  • MaxDaysOutdated:
    Days before system complains about exchange rate updating
  • ExchangeRateUpdateUrl:
    URL for exchange rates XML file

intranet-expenses - ]project-open[ Expenses

  • ShowInvoiceOurProjectNrFirstColumnP:
    Show our "Project Nr." field in the very first column of the invoice? This has now (V3.3) become the default.
  • EnabledInvoiceCannedNoteP:
    Should we enabled canned notes on financial documents? Nice feature, but adds some extra complexity...
  • ExpenseBundleNewPageWfModifyIncludedExpensesPerm:
    The name of the procedure that should return "1" if the "Modify Included Expenses" link of the ExpenseBundleNewPage should be visible. The procedure should accept a single "-bundle_id" parameter.
  • InvoiceQuantityUnitRateEnabledP:
    Make unit rates visible in invoices
  • CalculateVATPerExpenseTypeFunction:
    "User Exit" to determine the function to implement business logic to calculate the VAT for the expense item. The function needs to take a single "-expense_id" argument.
  • ExpenseCurrencies:
    The list of currencies to be used in Expense Management. Some customers want to limit the currencies here to simplify expense management. Example: 'EUR CHF USD' - this would limit the expense currencies to the subset of these three currencies and the system's active currencies. Default is empty to disable this feature.
  • CalculateVATPerExpenseTypeP:
    Should we try to calculate the vat automatically based on the expense type?
  • DefaultExpenseTemplate:
    Do you need a specific way to print your your expense bundle? Example: You could define a file "expense-bundle.adp" in ~/filestorage/templates (see template path). The file could be based on the code in /packages/intranet-expenses/templates/default.adp

intranet-filestorage - ]project-open[ Filestorage

  • FilenameCharactersSupported:
    Determines what types of characters are supported by the underlying filesystem. The setting is used either to return a message if the filename is not supported or to normalize the filename to something more suitable. Possible options include "alphanum_lower" (lowercase letters and numbers without spaces), "alphanum" (alphanumeric without spaces, this is the default), "alphanum_spaces" (alphanum with spaces), "latin" (Latin-1 filenames) or "utf8".
  • BugBasePathUnix:
    Base path for Bug-Tracker filestorage
  • ConfItemBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Conf Item'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/conf_items'. No trailing slash, please.
  • CompanyBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Company'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/companies' (separate FS) or '/web/projop/filestorage/projects' (together with projects, suitable for small installations). No trailing slash, please.
  • CostBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Cost'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/costs'. No trailing slash, please.
  • UserBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'User'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/users'. No trailing slash, please.
  • ProjectSalesBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the special 'Project-Sales'-Filestorages? The 'Sales FS' serves basically the same purpose as the normal FS. However, we have included this option because some companies separate the marketing/sales/acquisitions/... fileserver from the fileserver of the normal projects for security. Example: '/mnt/sales_server/sales_acquisitions'. No trailing slash, please.
  • TmpPathUnix:
    Tmp directory. Example: '/tmp' for Linux or 'C:/project-open/tmp' for Windows. No trailing slash, please.
  • TicketBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Ticket'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/tickets'. No trailing slash, please.
  • ProjectBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Project'-Filestorages? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/projects'. No trailing slash, please.
  • MaxNumberOfBytes:
    MaxNumberOfBytes, use '0' to disable.
  • HomeBasePathUnix:
    Where to find the files for the 'Home'-Filestorage? Example: '/web/projop/filestorage/home'. No trailing slash, please.
  • BackupBasePathUnix:

intranet-forum - ]project-open[ Forum

  • SenderMail:
    CurrentUser: Sender of notification mail is current user, SystemOwner: Sender of notifiation mail is SystemOwner (parameter acs-kernel:SystemOwner)
  • ForumItemsPerForumPage:
    Number of forum items at the forum index page
  • ForumItemsPerHomePage:
    Number of forum items at the home page
  • ForumItemsPerPage:
    Number of forum items by default
  • ReportThisErrorEmail:
    Email address to notify somebody to deal with "Report this error" events
  • SubscribeAllMembersToNewItemsP:
    Set to 1 to notify all members of all new items.
  • IncludeTopicMessageInNotificationsP:
    Should we send the original message text as part of the topic notification? Default is '0', in order to force users to log onto the system.

intranet-freelance-invoices - ]project-open[ Freelance Invoices

  • EditingWordsPerHour:
    How many words does a freelance editor review per hour?

intranet-freelance-translation - ]project-open[ Freelance Translation

  • FreelanceListSortOder:
    How to sort the Translation Freelance list by default? The parameter corresponds to the column name. Valid options currently include 'S-Word' - price per source word and 'Hour' - price per hour

intranet-ganttproject - ]project-open[ Gantt Project

  • CalendarStartHour2:
    Start of the afternoon working time in case no MS-Project Calendar was specified. The default value is '14:00:00' for normal office hours.
  • CalendarEndHour1:
    End of the morning working period in case no MS-Project Calendar was specified. The default value is '13:00:00' for normal office hours. Some industries in some countries usually already end '12:00:00'.
  • CalendarEndHour2:
    End of the daily working period in case no MS-Project Calendar was specified. The default value is '18:00:00' for normal office hours.
  • GanttProjectType:
    Gantt components only appear in projects of a particular type, because the Gantt diagram doesn't make much sense in translation projects, for example. This parameter refers to the root category of projects where the GanttComponent should appear.
  • GanttProjectThumbnailSize:
    Default size for GanttProject thumbnails. A typical value for a 1024x768 screen resolution is 360x360
  • GanttProjectPreviewFilename:
    Default file to look for in the project folder for a GanttProject icon
  • CalendarStartHour1:
    Start of the daily working time in case no MS-Project Calendar was specified. The default value is '09:00:00' for normal office hours. Some industries in some countries usually already start at '08:00:00'.
  • UpdatePercentCompletedP:
    Should imports from MS-Project overwrite the im_projects.percent_completed field? Ususally the project advance is determined by users in ]po[, so the default value is '0'.

intranet-helpdesk - ]project-open[ Helpdesk

  • DefaultTicketTemplate:
    Default ticket for showing a printer friendly version of a ticket. The template is located in the default template path (~/filestorage/templates/) defined by the parameter InvoiceTemplatePathUnix. There is an example available in ~/packages/intranet-helpdesk/templates/default.adp. The default template is used if this parameter is empty.
  • NextTicketNrMethod:
    How show we determine the Nr of the next ticket? 'sequence' creates a new number every time while 'incremental' will take the last Nr and add +1. The default is 'sequence' in order to avoid any issues with duplicates.
  • HelpdeskOwner:
    Employee in charge of HelpDesk. Can be the recipient of undeliverable notifications due to missing/deactivated users or mal configuration.

intranet-invoices - ]project-open[ Invoices

  • DefaultDiscountPercentage:
    Default disounct in the invoice's 'Add Discount/Surcharge' field.
  • DefaultSurchargePercentage:
    Default surcharge fee in the invoice's 'Add Discount/Surcharge' field.
  • TimesheetHoursPerDay:
    Conversion factor to calculate the number of days per project in organizations that track and bill time based on days. The default is 8.
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleRate:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • EnableDiscountSurchargeP:
    Should we enable a widget in the InvoiceViewPage that allows to add discount/surcharges for a financial Document? This is very useful in translation agencies but not frequently used otherwise.
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleUnit:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • TimesheetInvoiceReport:
    Report to show the detailed list of hours for a timesheet invoice
  • ShowLeadingInvoiceItemNr:
    Should we show a invoice item nr at the very left column?
  • ShowInvoiceOurProjectNrFirstColumnP:
    Show our "Project Nr." field in the very first column of the invoice? This is the default.
  • ShowInvoiceOurProjectNr:
    Show our "Project Nr." field in the list of items in the InvoiceViewPage? This is useful if there are frequently invoices which include multiple projects. Default is yes.
  • ShowInvoiceItemProjectTypeFieldP:
    Should we show a Project Type field for every invoice line? Default is 1 for compatibility with V3.3 and earlier, but V3.4 and higher should have this parameter set to 0.
  • ShowInvoiceItemMaterialFieldP:
    Should we show a Material field for every invoice line? Default is 0 for compatibility with V3.3 and earlier, but V3.4 and higher should have this parameter set to 1.
  • ShowInvoiceCustomerProjectNr:
    Show the "Company Project Nr." field in the list of items in the InvoiceViewPage? Default is yes.
  • ShowCostCenterP:
    Should we show the cost centers? This is useful for larger companies, but add an extra level of complexity to smaller ones.
  • PreferAccountingContactOverProjectContactP:
    Prefer the accounting contact (and then primary contact) over the project contact? Default is 1 for compatibility reasons.
  • InvoiceTemplatePathUnix:
    Path for Invoicing templates
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleDescription:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • InvoiceNrAutoIncrementP:
    Show the system automatically increment a financial document's invoice_nr if we find that the specified number already exists? This option is useful in large companies with many users creating projects in parallel. Default is 0 to disable this feature.
  • InvoiceNrDateFormat:
    Determine the date format that specifies whether to restart the invoice every year (YYYY) or every month (YYYY_MM).
  • EnabledInvoiceCannedNoteP:
    Should we enabled canned notes on financial documents? Nice feature, but adds some extra complexity...
  • UseInvoiceNrTypePrefixP:
    Specifies if a prefix (I for Invoices, B for Bills, Q for Quotes and P for Purchase Orders) should be used for differentiating the counter for different types of financial documents. Use "0" for compatibility with versions before or "1" otherwise. You might want to change the numeration at the end of a month or even at the end of a year.
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleOurRef:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • InvoiceDecorationTitlePoNumber:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • CustomInvoiceNrGenerator:
    Configure a customer specific generator for "invoice_nr", for example in order to generate different invoice numbers for different profit centers writing invoices etc. The default value for this parameter is "". Any other value is interpreted as a procedure that takes the parameters: -cost_type_id, -cost_center_id_id and -date_format and returns the new invoice_nr.
  • EnabledInvoiceDiscountFieldP:
    Enable a "Discount" field in invoices and quotes?
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleAmount:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleItemNr:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • InvoiceDecorationTitleQuantity:
    Decoration for title of invoice table:
  • EnabledInvoiceSurchargeFieldP:
    Enable a "Surcharge" field in invoices and quotes?
  • AccuracyFinDocItems:
    Accurancy of items in financial documents.
  • EnabledInvoiceTaxFieldP:
    Should we enabled the 'Tax' field on financial documents? This field is used to represent additional taxes for example IRPF (Spain). You can disable the field for Germany and other countries.
  • DefaultProjectManagementFeePercentage:
    Default PM fee in the invoice's 'Add Discount/Surcharge' field.
  • InvoiceQuantityUnitRateEnabledP:
    Make unit rates visible in invoices

intranet-mail-import - ]project-open[ Mail Integration

  • ScanMails:
    How often (in seconds) to scan for new mails
  • SendmailBin:
    Location of sendmail binary on your system (Set to SMTP to use SMTP server)
  • MMEncodeBin:
    Location of mmencode executable.
  • MailDir:
    Location of the maildir location that accepts incoming messages

intranet-nagios - ]project-open[ Nagios Integration

  • NagiosConfigurationUnixPath:
    Unix path to the main Nagios configuration file. Example: /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg.

intranet-planning - ]project-open[ Financial Planning

  • LeftDimension:
    A space separated list of the following option to define the left hand side of the planning matrix: 'project_phase': All sub-projects or tasks below the main project. 'resource': The project members assigned to the project. 'time': The time axix from start to the end of the project, the parameter TimeDimensionInterval specifies details. 'cost_type': Allows to plan for a number of different cost type, the parameter CostDimension specifies details. Default is 'project_phase'.
  • DimensionCostType:
    A space separated list of cost types to be shown. Valid values include category IDs from 'Intranet Cost Type' as well as 'Intranet Expense Type'. With PlanningType=73100 (revenue planning) this dimension should contain only the cost type 3700=Invoice. Default is '3704 3736 3722' for Provider Bill - Timesheet Hours - Expense Bundles. An alternative is '3704 3736 4000 4007 4012' for Provider Bill - Timesheet Hours - Meals - Airfare - Other, where the last cost types are from the intranet-expenses package.
  • DimensionTime:
    Defines the measure for the time dimension as one of the options: 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year'. Default is 'month'
  • TopDimension:
    Simiar to LeftDimension, but defining the upper hand side of the planning matrix. Default is 'time'.
  • PlanningType:
    Does the planning refer to cost planning (value=73102) or revenue planning (value=73100)? Default is cost planning (73102).
  • PlanningValueRoundingDigits:
    Specifies the rounding of the displayed planning values. Default is '0' for no decimal places.
  • PlanningValueInputFieldSize:
    Size of the input field for planning values. Default is 6.

intranet-release-mgmt - ]project-open[ Release Management

  • ReleaseProjectType:
    What is the name of the category to indicate a software release project?
  • ReleaseMgmtReleaseItemsCustomColumns:
    A list of DynField custom variables to show in the projects list of Release Items. You can use the associated "_deref" values for integer values such as user ids etc. Example: Let's asume a DynField "pl_area" in "im_projects", referring to an Area Project Leader. Then DynFields define a "pl_area_deref" variable that you can use here. Multiple variables of this type can be specified separated by a space.

intranet-reporting - ]project-open[ Reporting Base

  • UseProjectNameInsteadOfProjectNr:
    Some users prefer to read project_name in reports instead of project_nr. Default is '0', because project_name can become quite long. Choose '1' if your project names are usually quite short.

intranet-reporting-indicators - ]project-open[ Reporting Indicators

  • IndicatorEvaluationIntervalHours:
    Please specify the length of the interval for evaluation indicators in hours. Shorter intervals will result in more precise information, but may also result in large amounts of unnecessary data. Reasonable intervals are '6' (6 hours, quite short), '24' (1 day, medium) or '168' (one week, quite slow).
  • IndicatorSweeperSecondsInterval:
    Re-evaluate the indicators every x seconds. Default value is 3600 for evaluating every hour. Still, IndicatorEvaluationIntervalHours will be used to determine if a value needs to be recalculated
  • CompanySector:
    Company's sector. Must be one of: "it_consulting" (IT Consulting), "biz_consulting" (Business Consulting), "translation" (Translation, Localization or Technical documentation), "advertizing" (Advertizing agency or department), "engineering" (Engineering and product lifecycle) or "other".

intranet-resource-management - ]project-open[ Resource Management

  • RestrictToUserDepartmentByDefaultP:
    Restrict results to department the current user is a member of? Default is '0'.
  • DefaultCostCenterId:
    To which department an employee should be assigned, when there's no assigment in /intranet/users/view?user_id=???. Default is id of Cost Center 'The company'

intranet-search-pg - ]project-open[ PostgreSQL Search (Breaks Backup on PG 7.4.x!)

  • SearchTheWeb:
    Search the Web (e.g. Google)
  • SearchResultsPerPage:
    Default search results per page
  • Symbol2Interval:
    Translate symbol to date interval.

intranet-search-pg-files - ]project-open[ PostgreSQL File Search

  • IndexerMaxFiles:
    Limit indexer activity to MaxFiles. You can determine this parameter by dividing the number of files in your intranet (example: 30.000) by the time interval (in seconds) to check all files (for example: 24*60*60 for 1 day) and multiplying with the SearchIndexerInterval (example: 300). You have to make sure that the indexer can handle MaxFiles in SearchIndexerInterval, otherwise the system may get overload.
  • IndexFileContentsP:
    Should we index the _contents_ of a file, in addition to its filename? Disable this parameter if you are running a translation business, because your file contents are related to your customers, but not to your own business (in general).
  • SearchIndexerInterval:
    Run the search indexer every X seconds

intranet-security-update-client - ]project-open[ Security Update Client

  • ExchangeRateDaysBeforeUpdate:
    How many days should we wait for the next exchange rate update? Default is '1' = every day.
  • SecurityUpdateConnectedEmail:
    Email account on www.project-open.net connected to the system_id of this server
  • SecurityUpdateVerboseP:
    Should verbose information be transmitted to the update server? -1 means the user needs to confirm using the service, 0 means anonymous and 1 means detailed information.
  • ExchangeRateSweeperEnabledP:
    Should the system automatially get exchange rate information in the background? Set this parameter to '1' to enable automatic updates. Set this parameter to '0' if you want manual control over exchange rates. Default is '0' in order to disable automatic updates.
  • SecurityUpdateServerUrl:
    Url to reach a ]project-open[ security update server

intranet-sencha-ticket-tracker - ]project-open[ AJAX Ticket Tracker

  • SendMail:
    Eniar mail

intranet-simple-survey - ]project-open[ Simple Survey

  • DefaultProjectReportSurveyName:
    Name of the survey that should be shown by default in the /intranet-simple-survey/reporting/project-reports project reports page. The default is 'Project Status Report'.

intranet-sla-management - ]project-open[ Service Level Agreement Management

  • CloseResolvedTicketAfterSeconds:
    Should we automatically close 'resolved' tickets? The default is '0' to disable this feature. To enable, please set oa a time span (in seconds). Example: 36000 will close after 10 hours

intranet-sysconfig - ]project-open[ System Configuration Wizard

  • CompanySector:
  • CompanyOrgSize:
  • AdminGuideItemsDone:
    Stores the list of items in the admin guide that have already been processed. You don't have to modify this value, it is for system purposes only.
  • CompanyDeptComp:
  • CompanyFeatures:

intranet-timesheet2 - ]project-open[ Advanced Timesheet Management

  • SyncHoursInterval:
    Interval for the hours costs synchronizer to between checks if new im_hours items have been generated to be synchronized. This interval can be "never" (1000000) if timesheet hours are captured by the system itself. However, you should set this interval to something less for systems importing im_hours from an external source.
  • TimesheetRedirectProjectIfEmptyHoursP:
    Redirect the user from the project pages to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?
  • SyncHoursP:
    Should we bother to create im_cost cost items for every timesheet hour in general? If 1, then the parameter SyncHoursInterval will determine the interval for periodic syncronization and SyncHoursImmediatelyAfterEntryP will initiate synchronization directly after entering hours (may take about a second). The default value is '1', unless you don't use the profit & loss functionality.
  • TimesheetRedirectNumHoursInDays:
    The number of hours that should be logged in NumDays (see above)
  • TimesheetRedirectNumDays:
    The number of days to check for redirection
  • TimesheetLastMonthClosingDay:
    Q: We have set the parameter to "5", but we can still edit hours for the previous month (today is the 22nd).
    A: Administrators and users with the [add_hours_all privilege] are allowed to modify hours of the previous month, but normal users should not.
    Q: Are there similar parameters at the level of weeks or days?
    A: Nope, not yet.

    Should an Employee be able to edit his or her hours of the last month? Default is "0", indicating that there is no closing date. Please enter a number from 1 to 27 (for example: "5") to activate a closing day functionality, indicate that the last month becomes "closed" at the 5th of the current month.
  • TimesheetHoursPerAbsence:
    Specifies the equivalent hours of a day of absences. 8.0 by default.
  • TimesheetRedirectHomeIfEmptyHoursP:
    Redirect the user from the Home page to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?
  • PermissiveHourLogging:
    Obsolete starting with ]po[ V4. Instead, please use the parameter TimesheetTaskVisibilityScope in order to specify how users can log hours on projects.

  • AbsenceURL:
    Provide option to fork to different than default page when registering absences.
  • AbsenceNewPageWfDeleteButtonPerm:
    The name of the procedure that should return "1" if the "Delete" button of the AbsenceViewPage should be available. The procedure should accept a single "-absence_id" parameter.
  • TimesheetWorkDaysPerYear:
    How many days is an employee really available for projects per year in average? The number is calculated as 365 days - weekends - bank hollidays - vacation days - training - sickness and other absences. The default is 210.0.
  • SyncHoursImmediatelyAfterEntryP:
    Should we create im_cost cost items for logged hours immediately after the user has entered them? The default is '1', which is valid for most installation. Set to '0' for very large installations with many people logging hours at the same time.
  • WeeklyReportColorCodeWeekendsP:
    Set background color for weekends in weekly report? (weekly_report.tcl)
  • TimesheetHoursPerDay:
    Conversion factor to calculate the number of days per project in organizations that track and bill time based on days. The default is 8.0.
  • TimesheetLimitToOneDayPerUserAndMainProjectP:
    Should we limit the number of days(!) to 1.0, that one user can log on a single main-project? A customer would be surprised to find more then one day billed for a single calendar day. The default value is 0 (disabled).
  • TimesheetLogHoursOnPotentialProjectsP:
    Are users allowed to log hours on potential projects? That makes sense for presales guys in a consulting company, but not for IT staff in an IT department.
  • TimesheetMaxHoursPerDay:
    Maximum number of hours that a user may log to a single day.
  • WeekStartDay:
    Set first day of week in timesheet monthly view. Currently supported are 0 (Sunday) and 1 (Monday)
  • TimesheetAddHoursSortOrder:
    Sort the timesheet tasks on the "add hours" page by "order" (gantt sort order), "name" (task name) or "nr" (task id). The default is the gantt sort order.
  • FillFirstAndLastRowInTSCalendarP:
    If true, first and last row in calendar will be completed with days of previous/next month.
  • TimesheetTaskVisibilityScope:
    Does an employee need to be a member of a subproject in order to log hours? Option 'main_project': It's sufficient for the employee to be member of the main project in order to log hours on all subprojects. That's comfortable, but permissive, and the list of tasks may get long. Option 'sub_project': The employee needs to be a member of the subprojects in order to see the subproject's tasks. Option 'task': The employee needs to be assigned expressively to each task in order to log his hours. May incur a considerable admin overhead to assign all employees to all tasks...
  • AbsenceNewPageWfEditButtonPerm:
    The name of the procedure that should return "1" if the "Edit" button of the AbsenceViewPage should be available. The procedure should accept a single "-absence_id" parameter.
  • HourLoggingInternalCommentP:
    Should we enable an 'internal' comment, as opposed to an 'external' comment that is visible for a customer. This internal comment allows users to hide internal comments about the customer or the billing process from the customer
  • HourLoggingWithMaterialsP:
    Should the user specify the Material for every hour logged? Please use with caution. In this mode, only daily hour logging is enabled, the weekly view does not provide the space for these details.
  • LogHoursOnParentWithChildrenP:
    Is it allowed to log hours on main projects, even though they have children? Set this parameter to 0 if you want to force employees to log their hours on the subprojects/tasks only.
  • LogHoursOnSolitaryProjectsP:
    Is it allowed to log hours on main projects without children? Some companies don't allow logging hours on these 'solitary' projects. Default is 1 to enable logging on solitary projects.
  • ShowLinkToWeeklyTimesheetP:
    You want to deactivate this link when comments to time sheet entries are mandatory. The weekly time capture form does not contain a comment field.
  • ForceAllTimesheetEntriesWithCommentP:
    Should a the comment for a time sheet entry be mandatory?
  • TimesheetWeeklyLoggingDays:
    What are the days of the week for which we want to log hours in the weekly view? Default is '0 1 2 3 4 5 6' for all 7 days per week. The alternative is '1 2 3 4 5' for Monday to Friday. '0' refers to Sunday, '1' is Monday and '6' is Saturday.

intranet-timesheet2-tasks - ]project-open[ Timesheet2 Tasks

  • DefaultFilterMineP:
    Default value for Tasks filter. 'all' is the default, 'mine' is useful for organizations with very large projects in order to reduce the size of the task list. In this case, you may also want to modify the 'Project Timesheet Tasks' component and add the option '-restrict_to_mine_p mine' in order to reduce the size of the tasks in the project's main page..
  • AutomaticProjectAdvanceP:
    Should the system automatically advance the "Percent Completed" variable of the main project after updating one of the project's tasks? The default is '1' for automatic advance.
  • AutomaticTaskAdvanceP:
    Should the system automatically advance the "Percent Completed" variable of a task when hours are logged against the task? The default is '0', because we believe this functionality is dangerous. Instead project managers should manually enter the advance of tasks manually after asking the responsible resources of a task. However, the features can be useful for projects that are billed by the hour or projects with very little risk, so that the logged hours are a good estimator of project completion. Please note that this feature will only work if the variable planned_units is set.
  • DefaultLengthTaskName:
    Defines size of column task name in project task view
  • TaskListHomeDefaultSortOrder:
    Default sort order for tasks in the 'short' list of tasks in Project page. You can specify any field of im_projects, im_timesheet_tasks and im_gantt_projects. Default is 'sort_order' which will show tasks in the same order as imported from Microsoft Project, GanttProject or OpenProj.
  • TaskListDetailsDefaultSortOrder:
    Sort order for tasks in the hierarchical list of tasks. Available values are 'sort_order' for the order defined by GanttProject or MS-Project (default), 'start_date' for a chronological list and 'project_name' or 'project_nr' for alphabetical ordering.

intranet-timesheet2-workflow - ]project-open[ Timesheet2 Approval Workflow

  • ConfirmationPeriod:
    Show button to confirm hours on monthly or weekly basis. Value range: 'monthly' or 'weekly'
  • DefaultWorkflowKey:
    Workflow-Key of the default Time Sheet Approval Workflow, for example 'timesheet_approval_wf'. Default is empty for no workflow.
  • ShowCommentsInPanel:
    Show comments made during the approval process. (Requires pg/sql function to be set in WF writing comments to table 'im_timesheet_conf_object')

intranet-trans-invoices - ]project-open[ Translation Invoices

  • EnableFileTypeInTranslationPriceList:
    Do you want file types to appear in your price list? Default is no for most translation companies.
  • DefaultPriceListUomID:
    Do you want file types to appear in your price list? Default is no for most translation companies.
  • AggregateTasksCheckboxEnabled:
    What is the default operation when aggregating translation tasks? Possible options include "checked" (aggregate tasks of the same type), "unchecked" (leave the checkbox empty, so tasks will be listed individually) or "disabled" (disable the option to aggregate tasks). Default is "checked".

intranet-translation - ]project-open[ Translation

  • EnableAutoAssignmentComponentP:
    Enable auto assignment in the project's 'Assignments' page? Auto assignments are important for L10n companies with many small tasks, but clutter the GUI otherwise. Default is '0'.
  • EnableLocalTradosImport:
    Enable the import of Trados wordcount files from the local projects filestorage? (default no)
  • EnableAspTradosImport:
    Enable the import of Trados wordcount files via web upload? (default yes)
  • DefaultWordCountingApplication:
    What application do you usually use to determine the wordcount of your projects? Valid choices are currently "trados", "freebudget" and "webbudget". More formats are available on request.
  • CheckTaskUploadFilenamesEqualP:
    Check that the uploaded filename is equal to the filename when uploading a translation task result. Set this parameter to 1 if you are doing business in localization (web sites, ...). You can leave the parameter at 0 for general translation, allowing your translators to rename the file.
  • DefaultNotifyPMAboutUploadP:
    Determines the default value for the "Notify PM" checkbox when uploading translation tasks.
  • AutomaticProjectAdvanceP:
    Enable the automatic calculation of percent completed per translation project? Set this parameter to 0 for manual status updates. Default is '1'.
  • EnableInterCompanyInvoicingP:
    Enable 'interco' inter-company invoicing? InterCo allows you to keep different wordcounts and financial documents when the paying project customer is not the final customer.
  • TaskListEndDateFormat:
    Date format for the TaskListComponent. Default is 'YYYY-MM-DD' for showing just the date. As an alternative, you can use 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' in order to work with date/time.
  • SourceLanguageWithCountryLocaleP:
    Should we include the country locale (such as "_CH" for Swiss German) for selecting the source language? The default is 0, because for most companies the source language country variants don't matter. This would result in source languages such as "de", "es" etc., instead of "de_DE", "es_ES" etc.
  • EnableTaskAssignmentBasedOnSourceTargetLanguageP:
    In the Translation Task Assignment Page, should we filter users based on their source- and target language? Default is 0 for compatibility with installations without the freelance module. Enabling this option reduces the size of the candidates to who to assign a task, thus reducing error and saving time to project managers.
  • NotifyNextWfStageP:
    Should we enable the translator to send a notification to his editor? This is useful for tandem translation and companies where projects usually consist of few big files. It is not a good idea in localization projects though.

intranet-update-client - ]project-open[ Automatic Software Update Client

  • CvsPath:
    Unix, Linux or CygWin Path for CVS command
  • UpdateServerURL:
    URL of the XML file containing version information

intranet-workflow - ]project-open[ Workflow Base

  • WorkflowComponentWFGraphSize:
    Size of the WF graph inside the default 'Workflow Component'. Default is '5,5', which should be some 400x400 pt.
  • ActionWorkflowComponentWFGraphSize:
    Size of the WF graph inside the 'Action Component'. Default is '3,3', which should be some 200x200 pt.
  • EnableWorkflowInboxBulkActionsP:
    Should we show a "Bulk Action" widget at the end of the Inbox? Bulk actions allow the current user to delete himself from the list of WF assignees. This is important in organizations with WF vacation logic and "pull" workflows, but not in organizations with "push" WFs.

mail-tracking - Mail Tracking

  • TrackAllMails:
    Wether to track simply all mails leaving acs-mail-lite or only those requested by the admin.

notifications - Notifications

  • EmailQmailQueueScanP:
    Should the package scan the qmail queue for incoming mail? (1 is true, 0 is false)
  • EmailReplyAddressPrefix:
    The prefix for email replies
  • EmailQmailQueue:
    The location of the qmail queue for incoming email, mail will be looked for in EmailQmailQueue/new/*
  • EmailDomain:
    The domain for the notification email address

oacs-dav - webDAV Support

  • DefaultLockTimeout:
    Length of time in seconds for locks if WebDAV client does not specify a time. Locks will expire after this length of time.
  • RequireAuthForPropfind:
    Require authorization for PROPFIND requests. Enable this to suuport Microsoft Web Folders clients which may not respond correctly to an authentication request. Set to 1 for enabled, 0 for disabled.
  • WebDAVURLPrefix:
    Prefix to be added to the urls for WebDAV requests.

rss-support - RSS Support

  • RssGenOutputDirectory:
    The directory to which RSS files will be written, relative to the server root.

tsearch2-driver - Tsearch2 Driver

  • max_size_to_index:
    Maximum size of doc to index, in bytes. 0 to index the full document. If the doc is greater than this parameter, the indexing is truncated.
  • permission_check_enabled_p:
    Check whether the user is allowed to read the object. This is used to filter the search results w.r.t the privileges of the user performing the query.

xml-rpc - XML-RPC Server

  • EnableXMLRPCServer:
    Turn your XML-RPC Server On (1) or Off (0)

xotcl-core - XOTcl Core

  • XOTclObjectCacheSize:
    Size of the ns_cache xotcl_object_cache (used for caching XOTcl objects fetched from the database)
  • NslogRedirector:
    Allow redirections of nslog. The redirector filters ns_log messages and sends these not only to the error log (standard behaviour) but also to ds_comments in the developer support. This way, a developer can view the log messages for the current request directly in the browser when the developer support is activated, without having to watch the log file. The value of 0 means "no redirecting" (deactivation), 1 means "redirecting errors", 2 means "redirect errors and notices"
  • XOTclObjectTypeCacheSize:
    Size of the ns_cache xotcl_object_type_cache (used for caching types of XOTcl objects)

xowiki - xowiki

  • show_per_object_categories:
    If enabled it shows on a page view the categories assigned to this object
  • parameter_page:
    ::xowiki::FormPage to search for parameters. The page name has to contain a language prefix and can refer to a different xowiki instance. Example: //xowiki/en:xowiki-standard-parameter
  • package_prefix:
    Part of the URL used before language and page name. This setting is used, when an url is computed. Per default, the package_prefix is determined by the side not. When for example a default xowiki instance is used as start page of openacs, the package_prefix can be set to /
  • my_yahoo_publisher:
    Name of the publisher, when posting urls to my yahoo (use in connection with with_yahoo_publisher)
  • index_page:
    name of the page to be shown when the package instance is browsed (e.g. en:index)
  • include_in_google_sitemap_index:
    Include the package in the google sitemap index
  • extra_css:
    One or more additional css file for this Instance
  • display_page_order:
    Display page_order attribute (Section) in edit forms if possible.
  • autoname:
    Automatically name items of this instance
  • PackagePath:
    Space delimited names of local URL paths pointing to xowiki instances from where this instance should inherit pages (example: /xowiki /public/wiki)
  • production_mode:
    When this parameter is set, new pages are created in a "production" state, where they are not visible to users. These page have to be released via the admin pages. Notifcation and syndication is decativated, while pages are under "production".
  • with_yahoo_publisher:
    When specified, a button for adding the content to my.yahoo.com is added
  • with_user_tracking:
    track page view usage per user
  • security_policy:
    Define the valid operations for different kind of users. Currently, two policies are predefined: ::xowiki::policy1 and ::xowiki::policy2. Policy1 requires for all destructive operations (deletes, delete_revision) and programmatical operations (involving tcl code, e.g. editing the ::xotcl::Objects) package admin rights, for reindex site wide admin right). Policy 2 requires also for destructive operations site wide admin rights.
  • PackageTitle:
    Title of the Package; this title will appear for example in the default RSS feed for this package.
  • with_general_comments:
    use general comments package
  • with_digg:
    Add a button to submit article to digg
  • WidgetSpecs:
    Specify pairs of "pagename,fieldname" followed by a Tcl list which is used as a widget spec for ad_form. "pagename" and "fieldname" can contain wild card characters. The following rather complex widget-specs are from openacs.org: *,text {richtext(richtext),nospell,optional {label Content} {html {style {width: 100%}}} {options {editor xinha plugins {Stylist OacsFs} height 350px javascript { xinha_config.toolbar = [ ['popupeditor', 'bold','italic','createlink','insertimage','separator'], ['killword','removeformat'] ]; xinha_config.stylistLoadStylesheet('/resources/xowiki/examples/xinha-mc-styles.css', {'p.angabe' : 'Aufgabenstellung', 'p.loesungshinweis' : 'Lösungshinweis', 'li.correct_choice' : 'Richtige Antwort', 'li.incorrect_choice' : 'Falsche Antwort'}); }}}}
  • with_delicious:
    Add a delicious button to the page
  • PackageDescription:
    Description of the Package. This description will appear for example in the Description of the default RSS feed for this package
  • weblog_page:
    name of the page to show weblog (when clicking on tags)
  • use_connection_locale:
    When this flag is set, per-user specific information is used to determine the default language. Users with different language preferences will see under the same url different content. Per default this flag is turned off, and the package or system wide locale is used.
  • top_includelet:
    Specify an xowiki includelet (defined in ::xowiki::includelet::*) to be included on top over every pages. In order or add e.g. on each page of this wiki instance a listing of the users currently active in this xowiki instance, set the value of this parameter e.g. to 'presence -interval "10 minutes"'. The valid parameters are defined by the xowiki includlets.
  • template_file:
    Name of the ADP file to be used for viewing xowiki pages. The default value is 'view-default'. Alternatively, one can use 'view-book' to view pages in book style (needs page_ordering) or e.g. 'oacs-view' for providing a view with the category-tree on the left, or any other tailored view
  • MenuBar:
    Activate experimental menubar stuff
  • subst_blank_in_name:
    normalize names of pages in a media wiki style. Most dominantly, spaces are turned into blanks.
  • with_notifications:
    Allow the user to register notifications
  • with_tags:
    allow user to provide tags to pages
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