export-dbs Database Backup Script


# --------------------------------------------------------------
# export-dbs
# Copyright 2009-2019 ]project-open[
# Frank Bergmann <frank.bergmann@project-open.com>
# Licensed under GPL V2.0 or higher
# --------------------------------------------------------------

# Constants, variables and parameters
my $debug =     1;

# email for error reports, you have to quote the "@"
my $email =     "sysadmin@tigerpond.com";

# Plain-text password for encrypting backups stored in the cloud.
# Should not contain characters that need quoting in Perl/Bash.
my $gpg_pass =  'secret';

# Where to store backups
my $exportdir = "/var/backup";
my $logdir =    "/var/log/postgres";

# System commands
my $psql =      "/usr/bin/psql";
my $pg_dump =   "/usr/bin/pg_dump";
my $bzip2 =     "/usr/bin/bzip2";
my $gpg =       "/usr/bin/gpg2";

my $pg_owner =  "postgres";
my $computer_name = `hostname`;
my $time =      `/bin/date +\%Y\%m\%d.\%H\%M`;
my $weekday =   `/bin/date +%w`;


open(DBS, "su - $pg_owner -c '$psql -l' |");
while (my $db_line=<DBS>) {

        $db_line =~ /^\s*(\w*)/;
        my $db_name = $1;

        next if (length($db_name) < 2);
        next if ($db_name =~ /^\s$/);
        next if ($db_name =~ /^List$/);
        next if ($db_name =~ /^Name$/);

        next if ($db_name =~ /^postgres$/);
        next if ($db_name =~ /^template0$/);
        next if ($db_name =~ /^template1$/);

        my $file = "$exportdir/pgback.$computer_name.$db_name.$time.sql";
        my $log_file = "$logdir/export-dbs.$db_name.log";
        my $cmd = "su - $pg_owner --command='$pg_dump $db_name -c -O -F p -f $file' > $log_file 2>&1";
        print "export-dbs: $cmd\n" if ($debug);
        system $cmd;

        my $cmd2 = "su - $pg_owner --command='$bzip2 $file'";
        print "export-dbs: $cmd2\n" if ($debug);
        system $cmd2;

        my $cmd3 = "echo $gpg_pass | $gpg --symmetric --batch --passphrase-fd 0 $file.bz2";
        print "export-dbs: $cmd3\n" if ($debug);
        system $cmd3;

        # Tar the entire web server to backup area, except for packages and filestorage backup.
        my $file9 = "$exportdir/webback.$computer_name.$db_name.$time.tgz";
        my $cmd9 = "tar --exclude='/web/$db_name/log' --exclude='/web/$db_name/filestorage/backup' -c -z -f $file9 /web/$db_name/";
        print "export-dbs: $cmd9\n" if ($debug);
        system $cmd9;

        # Analyze log file and send out error reports
        my $err_count = `cat $log_file | grep -i 'error:' | wc -l`;
        if ($err_count > 0) {
            system "cat $log_file | grep -i 'error:' | mail -s \"]project-open[ Backup Errors\" $email ";


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