OpenACS Date & Time

An API for date and time functions. This version of the package requires acs-events for a helper function. This requirement may go away in the future.



Package Documentation

Procedure Files

tcl/acs-calendar-2-procs.tcl       Library for calendar display widgets 
tcl/acs-calendar-procs.tcl       Library for calendar display widgets 
tcl/acs-datetime-procs.tcl       Tcl library for the ACS Date-Time service package 


dt_ansi_to_julian       Returns the ANSI date as Julian or -1 in the case of an invalid ANSI date argument (year less than 4713 BCE, greater than 9999 CE, or equal to 0) 
dt_ansi_to_list       Parses the given ansi_date string into a list of year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. 
dt_ansi_to_pretty       Converts 1998-09-05 to September 5, 1998. 
dt_export_value       Makes a hidden form item w/ given name and value 
dt_first_day_of_month       Returns the weekday number of the first day for the given month/year 
dt_format       This proc should not be used, because it does not take internationalization into account. 
dt_get_info       Calculates various dates required by the dt_widget_month procedure. 
dt_hour_diff       24-hour times input (23:00,02:00). 
dt_interval_check       Checks the values of start and end to see if they form a valid time interval. 
dt_julian_to_ansi       Returns julian_date formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd" 
dt_left_arrow       Returns the image location for a left navigation arrow 
dt_midnight_p       check if a time is midnight 
dt_month_abbrev       Returns the calendar month names as a Tcl list (Jan, Feb, ...) 
dt_month_names       Returns the calendar month names as a Tcl list (January, February, ...) 
dt_navbar_month       Returns the monthly navbar 
dt_navbar_view       Returns a navbar for the mini_calendar_widget 
dt_navbar_year       If this is a month or year view, returns the current year with links to previous and next. 
dt_next_month       Returns the ANSI date for the next month 
dt_next_month_name       Returns the ANSI date for the next month 
dt_no_time_p       This decides whether an item is without a time 
dt_num_days_in_month       Returns the numbers of days for the given month/year 
dt_precision       Returns the precision in minutes corresponding to a named granularity 
dt_prev_month       Returns the ANSI date for the previous month 
dt_prev_month_name       Returns the ANSI date for the previous month 
dt_right_arrow       Returns the image location for a right navigation arrow 
dt_round_to_precision       Rounds the given number to the given precision, i.e. 
dt_sysdate       Returns current server date in the standard format "yyyy-mm-dd" 
dt_systime       Returns current server time in the standard format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss". 
dt_trim_leading_zeros       Returns a string w/ leading zeros trimmed. 
dt_valid_time_p       Returns 1 if "time" is a valid time specification, 0 otherwise. 
dt_widget_calendar_navigation       This proc creates a mini calendar useful for navigating various calendar views. 
dt_widget_calendar_year       Returns a calendar year of small calendars for the year of the passed in date. 
dt_widget_datetime       Returns an HTML form fragment for collecting date-time information with names "$name.year", "$name.month", "$", "$name.hours", "$name.minutes", "$name.seconds", and "$name.ampm". 
dt_widget_day       Returns a calendar for a specific day, with details supplied by hour. 
dt_widget_list       create a listing widget for lists (ben) I would like to ask forgiveness from the coding gods for this proc. 
dt_widget_maybe_range       Returns form numeric range, or hidden_value if ask_for_value is false. 
dt_widget_month       Returns a calendar for a specific month, with details supplied by Julian date. 
dt_widget_month_centered       Returns a calendar for a specific month, with details supplied by Julian date. 
dt_widget_month_names       Returns a select widget for months of the year. 
dt_widget_month_small       Returns a small calendar for a specific month. 
dt_widget_numeric_range       Returns an HTML select widget for a numeric range 
dt_widget_week       Returns a calendar for a specific week, with details supplied by Julian date. 
dt_widget_year       Returns a year of small calendars given the starting month as a date. 

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