General messaging for bboard and general comments. Provides generic message services, with email sending. acs-mail-lite and notifications are the preferred packages for delivering this functionality and it is anticipated that this package will ultimately be deprecated.
tcl/acs-messaging-procs.tcl Utility procs for working with messages
acs_message_p Check if an integer is a valid OpenACS message id. acs_messaging_first_ancestor Takes the message_id of an acs_message and returns the message_id of the first ancestor message (i.e. acs_messaging_format_as_html Returns a string of HTML which appropriately renders the content given its mime content-type. acs_messaging_process_queue Process the message queue, sending any reasonable messages. acs_messaging_send Schedule one message to be sent to one party. acs_messaging_send_query Given an SQL query returning columns recipient_id, grouping_id, and wait_until, arrange for all to be sent for this message. acs_messaging_timezone_offset Returns a best guess of the timezone offset for the machine. ad_page_contract_filter_proc_acs_message_id Checks whether the value (assumed to be an integer) is the id of an already-existing OpenACS message.
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