Collaborative document storage. Provides a versioned document store with storage in the filesystem or database (depending on configuration). Permissions are available both on the level of folders and documents.
This package serves as the base for the new ]po[ intranet-filestorage package.
lib/folder-admin.adp lib/folder-admin.tcl lib/folder-links.adp lib/folder-links.tcl lib/recent.adp lib/recent.tcl tcl/file-storage-callback-procs.tcl Callback procs for file storage tcl/file-storage-dav-procs.tcl Procedures for DAV service contract implementations tcl/file-storage-install-procs.tcl Sets up WebDAV support service contracts tcl/file-storage-procs.tcl Tcl library for the file-storage system (v.4) tcl/file-storage-rss-procs.tcl Tcl library for the file-storage system (v.4) tcl/file-storage-search-procs.tcl Site-wide search procs for file storage Implements OpenFTS Search service contracts tcl/file-storage-torrent-procs.tcl
callback::application-track::getApplicationName::impl::file_storage callback implementation callback::application-track::getGeneralInfo::impl::file_storage callback implementation callback::application-track::getSpecificInfo::impl::file_storage callback implementation callback::datamanager::copy_folder::impl::datamanager Copy a folder to another class or community callback::fs::before_file_new::contract this can be used to check for confirmation before upload to folder callback::fs::file_delete::contract callback::fs::file_edit::contract callback::fs::file_new::contract callback::fs::file_revision_new::contract Callback executed when a new file revision is created callback::fs::folder_chunk::add_bulk_actions::contract callback::fs::folder_delete::contract callback::fs::folder_edit::contract callback::fs::folder_new::contract callback::pm::project_new::impl::file_storage create a new folder for each new project callback::search::datasource::impl::file_storage_object callback::search::url::impl::file_storage_object Return the URL to the file_storage_object children_have_permission_p This procedure, given a content item and a privilege, checks to see if there are any children of the item on which the user does not have that privilege. fs::add_created_file Create a new file storage item or add a new revision if an item with the same name and parent folder already exists fs::add_created_version Create a new version of a file storage item using the content passed in content_body fs::add_file Create a new file storage item or add a new revision if an item with the same name and parent folder already exists fs::add_version Create a new version of a file storage item fs::after_mount Create root folder for package instance via Tcl callback. fs::before_unmount Create root folder for package instance via Tcl callback. fs::category_links fs::delete_file Deletes a file and all its revisions fs::delete_folder Deletes a folder and all contents fs::delete_version Deletes a revision. fs::do_notifications Send notifications for file-storage operations. fs::file_copy copy file to target folder fs::folder_p Is this object a folder? fs::get_archive_command return the archive command after replacing {in_file} and {out_file} with their respective values. fs::get_archive_extension return the archive extension that should be added to the output file of an archive command fs::get_file_package_id Returns the package_id for a passed-in file_id. fs::get_file_system_safe_object_name get the name of a file storage object and make it safe for writing to the file system fs::get_folder Retrieve the folder_id of a folder given it's name and parent folder. fs::get_folder_contents WARNING: This proc is not scalable because it does too many permission checks. fs::get_folder_contents_count Retrieve the count of contents of the specified folder. fs::get_folder_objects Return a list the object_ids contained by a file storage folder. fs::get_folder_package_and_root Returns a two-element Tcl list containing the package_id and root_folder_id for the passed-in folder_id. fs::get_item_id Get the item_id of a file fs::get_object_info returns an array containing the fs object info fs::get_object_name Select the name of this object. fs::get_object_prettyname Select a pretty name for this object. fs::get_parent Get the parent of a given item. fs::get_root_folder Get the root folder of a package instance. fs::impl::dav_mkcol_type::get_type fs::impl::dav_put_type::get_type fs::impl::fs_object::copy COPY method fs::impl::fs_object::delete DELETE method fs::impl::fs_object::get GET method fs::impl::fs_object::head HEAD method fs::impl::fs_object::lock LOCK method fs::impl::fs_object::mkcol MKCOL method fs::impl::fs_object::move MOVE method fs::impl::fs_object::propfind PROPFIND method fs::impl::fs_object::proppatch PROPPATCH method fs::impl::fs_object::put PUT method fs::impl::fs_object::unlock UNLOCK method fs::install::after_instantiate fs::install::before_uninstantiate fs::install::package_install setup DAV service contracts fs::install::package_uninstall clean up for package uninstall fs::install::register_implementation add file-storage repository service contract implementation fs::install::unregister_implementation remove file-storage service contract implementation fs::install::upgrade Install new DAV service contracts fs::item_editable_info Returns an array containing elements editable_p, mime_type, file_extension if an fs item is editable through the browser, editable_p is set to 1 fs::item_editable_p returns 1 if item is editable via browser fs::new_folder Create a new folder. fs::new_root_folder Create a root folder for a package instance. fs::notification::get_url returns a full url to the object_id. fs::object_p is this a file storage object fs::publish_folder_to_file_system publish the contents of a file storage folder to the file system fs::publish_object_to_file_system publish a file storage object to the file system fs::publish_url_to_file_system publish a url object to the file system as a Windows shortcut (which at least KDE also knows how to handle) fs::publish_versioned_object_to_file_system publish an object to the file system fs::remove_special_file_system_characters remove unsafe file system characters. fs::rename_folder rename the given folder fs::rss::build_feeds Builds all rss feeds for a folder. fs::rss::create_rss_gen_subscr_impl Register the service contract implementation and return the impl_id fs::rss::datasource This procedure implements the "datasource" operation of the RssGenerationSubscriber service contract. fs::rss::drop_rss_gen_subscr_impl Unegister the service contract implementation and return the impl_id fs::rss::lastUpdated Returns the time that the last file was modified, in Unix time. fs::set_folder_description sets the description for the given folder in cr_folders. fs::torrent::get_hashsum Get hashsum for the file using SHA1 hashsum technique. fs::webdav_url Provide URL for webdav access to file or folder fs__datasource fs__url fs_context_bar_list Constructs the list to be fed to ad_context_bar appropriate for item_id. fs_file_p Returns 1 if the file_id corresponds to a file in the file-storage system. fs_folder_p Returns 1 if the folder_id corresponds to a folder in the file-storage system. fs_get_folder_name Returns the name of a folder. fs_get_root_folder Returns the root folder for the file storage system. fs_version_p Returns 1 if the version_id corresponds to a version in the file-storage system. install::xml::action::file-storage-folder Create a file storage folder from install.xml
www/ | |
admin/ | |
rss-subscr-ae.adp | |
rss-subscr-ae.tcl | Create or edit an RSS feed generation request. |
rss-subscr-del.adp | |
rss-subscr-del.tcl | |
rss-subscrs.adp | |
rss-subscrs.tcl | List existing RSS requests for this folder and offer a link to create a new one. |
upload-size-limit.adp | |
upload-size-limit.tcl | This page allows a file storage admin to change the upload size. |
copy.adp | |
copy.tcl | Multiple copy page. |
delete.adp | |
delete.tcl | delete items |
download-archive/ | |
index.vuh | |
download-zip.tcl | delete items |
download/ | |
index.vuh | Virtual URL handler for file downloads |
file-add.adp | |
file-add.tcl | page to add a new file to the system |
file-edit.adp | |
file-edit.tcl | Page to specify a new name for a file |
file-upload-confirm.tcl | Confirm upload in delivery folder by redirect in callback |
file.adp | |
file.tcl | display information about a file in the system |
folder-add.adp | |
folder-add.tcl | page to add a new file to the system |
folder-chunk.adp | |
folder-chunk.tcl | |
folder-create.adp | |
folder-create.tcl | form to create or edit a new folder |
folder-delete.adp | |
folder-delete.tcl | page to confirm and delete folder. |
folder-edit.adp | |
folder-edit.tcl | form to edit a folder |
folder-zip-add.adp | |
folder-zip-add.tcl | page to add a new file to the system |
index.adp | |
index.tcl | Front page for file-storage. |
index.vuh | |
move.adp | |
move.tcl | Multiple move page. |
permissions.adp | |
permissions.tcl | Permissions for a folder |
rss/ | |
index.vuh | |
search.adp | |
search.tcl | page to display search results |
simple-add-2.tcl | Add a nonversioned item |
simple-add.adp | |
simple-add.tcl | page to add a new nonversioned object to the system |
simple-delete.tcl | page to confirm and delete a simple fs object |
simple-edit.adp | |
simple-edit.tcl | page to edit a new nonversioned object |
simple.adp | |
simple.tcl | page to display a simple |
url-goto.tcl | go to a URL |
version-delete.adp | |
version-delete.tcl | confirmation page for version deletion |
view/ | |
index.vuh |
Calle Aprestadora 19, 12o-2a
08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Tel Europe: +34 609 953 751
Tel US: +1 415 200 2465